When I was a teen, I had a friend who was very promiscuous. This was in the late 1950’s when girls were supposed to be virgins at marriage, and she had “a bad reputation”. But we were friends, had been since we were 5 years old, (still are) and I continued to chum around with her even though my folks didn’t like it. The odd thing was, if we were out together, at a movie or something, men would hit on her and never even glance at me. I was much prettier than her, to be honest, and so it wasn’t her looks. She did not dress provocatively or “act sexy”, but she gave off some kind of signal. Years ago I asked my husband if he knew what I meant and he laughed and said yes, he knew, that she just emanated sex and most guys picked up on it. She was “dating” 30 year old men when she was 15 - needless to say she had a tough life and a lot of bad things happened to her. She never became a prostitute, though everyone figured she would. In fact, she is now a respectable, prim old lady. When I see her now I have to give myself a mental shake and ask myself if my memories are made up. But they aren’t.
Why she was like that I can’t say for sure, but one thing I wonder about: she and her brother had sex together from the time she was about 5 or 6 until she was 12 or 13. He was 3 years older than her, and of course it did not begin as intercourse, although it ended up that way. She told me about it, but in my ignorance I didn’t really know what she meant, I do remember that she never implied that he “made her do it.” She never seemed angry or upset, but I do remember it seemed awfully important to her. Was that the reason?
What all this palaver is leading up to is that the the incest would be called “sexual abuse” now, and her brother would be the abuser. I’ve never been so sure about that. But the sexualization of a child was real enough, real enough that she became a kind of sexual magnet for much of her adult life.
Maybe that’s what happens to all children who are sexually used. As for the guy who says he was sort of randomly abused by strangers, I wonder if it wasn’t his father or some other close relative instead?
As for children whose parents don’t love them. I know a man, now in his 40’s, who claims his parents, particularly his father, didn’t love him. He does not say he was abused. I’ve known him pretty well all his life, have known his mother for 30 years. That she loves him I am certain - but that he is incapable of seeing it is another certainty. For whatever reason, whether he was born that way, whether it was years of drug abuse, whether he’s a whining jerk (which is honestly what I think he is), whether some people are just “needier” I don’t know. His need for love and approval is endless, he seems to me to be about 3 years old emotionally. I don’t know, of course, what “really” went on in their house, but I have known the family for so long and can remember what he was like a kid. His recollection of events that I was involved in are so different from mine that one of us HAS to be wrong. It’s not just insignificant details, it is much more. His memories are of being completely neglected and ignored, of things as simple as his mother not making him breakfast - and yet, she did. She always did. What this all means, I do not know.
There are bad parents, I know. There are parents who are cruel and neglectful. But there are children who are bottomless pits of need and misery - and why that is, I would like to know. The man I am talking about could write a book (if he could write a book) about his horrible childhood and it would be, essentially, all lies, except that it is what he remembers.