David Bossie becomes the Deputy Campaign Manager!

Words literally fail.

For those who don’t know who this “person” is, it won’t take long. Make sure you haven’t eaten, or are about to.

I’ll allow you the great individual pleasure of finding out for yourselves the depths to which they are willing to sink…

I think this is a mistake (for Trump. It’s good news for the rest of us).

I can see what Trump is thinking. Attacking Clinton seems to be the issue he’s getting the most success with. But I think he’s already gotten all the votes he can get out of that.

Trump has been behind this whole campaign. He can’t just offer more of what he’s already done. What he’s been doing hasn’t been enough. He needs do something new to break him out of second place.

How many “campaign managers” can one campaign really need?

He can’t get any more votes that way…but he might smear Clinton with enough filth to draw down some of her support. By a strong negative-campaign strategy, he might alienate some sensitive voters, promoting a low overall voter turnout. It won’t gain him anything, but it will hurt Clinton, and, at this point, that’s the only thing he’s got.

Nothing can rehabilitate him, but if he flings enough monkey poo, the entire election will be stunk up.

I think it’s safe to say he’s already stunk up the election plenty, by all measures!

If he launches a nothing but feces flinging strategy I think he risks driving away even more Republican voters! They’ll just stay home. They already find him kinda unpalatable, as it is!

Why did he hire David Bosse? Because Lee Atwater is fucking dead, that’s why!

Oh, it won’t be enough for Trump to win, but it will ramp up the hatred of Hillary so that anyone who even thinks of working with her will be called treasonous and nothing will get done for another four years, and isn’t that what really counts?

I understand the principle. I’m just saying it’s probably already been played out. Any voter who’s going to be motivated by attacks against Clinton has already been convinced.

Rachel Maddow (my favorite TV personality ever) did an interesting bit on the jerkwad.

It’s clear. Trump is doing anything and everything, short of hiring paid assassins, to win this election. And honestly, I’m not sure the last part isn’t part of his game plan.

Mother Jones article on Bossie’s career. Bossie was an understudy to Floyd “Willie Horton” Brown in 1988. In 1992 Bush I filed a complaint against him with the FEC. So a) imagine what that took and b) those days are long gone, aren’t they?

So, whatever happened to the big shake-up from Blightbart? Is he now the Deputy Assistant Campaign “Manager”?

“Can’t anybody here play this game?”

  • Casey Stengel

As Bush father called him “the lowest kind of life” and the press back then helped discredit him in the past and got fired for his scumminess, I think that most of the media of today should be shamed into stopping the false equivalence that they are using now.

Personnel is policy, and not reminding the people, or not caring, about the bottom of the barrel staff Trump has, is a disservice to all Americans.

Trump has, I believe, finally hit rock bottom. Hiring a noted repulsive and (nearly) universally reviled smarm-master like Bossie reveals his complete lack of ethics and moral fiber. It also shows his willingness to shrug off the best advice of his campaign staff and once again go off script. The coming weeks should be a veritable shit-fest from this jackass.

I applaud your optimism. It is a characteristic most admirable about the young, and I commend you for sustaining it into your…maturity.

And yet, nearly half of the voting population of the US will continue to cheer for him. It’s like lead-based paint is a staple in the American diet or something.

Half? Dunno, but doubt it. Polls measure the voting public, the adherents of the Apathy Party are, as usual, underrepresented.

They haven’t seen this fucking slug in action yet, although I fear that you’re right.

The interesting thing about that was her point that people like Bossie often get into campaigns, but they are seldom given highly visible positions. There is always vermin under the rocks, but only Trump invites them to dinner.

People are only going to work so long until they realize that it isn’t just a paperwork problem, he really isn’t going to pay them their salary.

Maybe now those Trump managers will start to sympathize with the cabinetmakers & casino employees – but I doubt it.

See, it’s taking more and more of them to hold him still while they try to apply the lipstick.