We are in your office talking about what would happen if I pushed myself to do something that caused me increasing distress and anxiety as I did it.
I told you it would probably kill me.
You keep up with this idea that I should push myself to break through it.
You don’t recognize that I am getting more and more upset with the direction of this conversation. In fact, I am having so much trouble that I cannot even hear the words coming out of your mouth. You are quite excited about something we should try, and I cannot hear what you said. I tell you that I cannot hear what you said, please send me an email, and you say you don’t do well with e-mails, but you would TRY.
I am so upset that I can hardly think at all, and all I can get out of my mouth is that I am in a “really bad place”.
So you give me a hug, and send me out the door.
NO “How bad is this place you are in” (the answer: really black and really bad-the suicidal thoughts are coming to the surface)
NO “I have another appointment right now. I’m sorry we can’t continue this. Let me call you when I am done with my appointments”.
NO “Keep working on this and call me if you have any problems this evening”
NO “When is your next appointment?” (answer: we don’t have one scheduled)
NO “Are you going to be OK? Are you going to be Safe?” (answer to both: I don’t know. I’m not sure)
So I go home (fortunately home is about a 1/2 mile away and I felt I could get home safely)
And it gets WORSE.
I have several “parts” that have suicide thoughts. Thoughts and wishes about dying and not having to live in this hopeless world. The more “parts” that are suicidal, the worse I feel, the stronger the feelings get. As the evening progresses, they ALL crash and want to die. But as miserable as this is, it’s just “passive”.
THEN, another “part” come roaring into the picture and terrorizes everyone (but one that is watching the whole riot in fascination and amazement) This part has no emotion but rage and anger, steely, hard-hearted bitch who says “You want to die? Let me help you!”
The riot continues, and then everyone decides that dying is the best option. (the part that is watching agrees too)
And the riot STOPS… It is replaced with a calm feeling of having made a “good decision”. And the suicide planning begins. It’s going to happen, but the decision is “not tonight” (future date is chosen and plan finalized)
Then the bitch says “I wonder how upset DBW would be to walk into his office one morning and see a dead body on that patio outside his windows? That’s probably a bit cliche, and been done before. I wonder how many of his clients have killed themselves?”
I debate if I should call him. I dial his number and listen to the recorded message. The message stresses that IF it is an EMERGENCY, Press “0” for the answering service. I think about it and decide that since I am not planning on killing myself that night (though the bitch thinks her plan still has a sort of twisted appeal), that it is not an EMERGENCY. So I don’t press “0” and I hang up.
Shit, this is taking too long to type (my hands are sweaty too) I have an appointment to get too.
The pittable part yet to come. DBW is a fucking asshole and I probably have a legitimate complaint that I could file against him for abandonment and inappropriate treatment.