DC area kitty needs a home!

This morning at the bus stop a little cat ran out of the drainage sewer. Amy said he lives down there, with various other cats. First thing he did was run into the street in front of a car. Fortunately the car was going slow and didn’t hit him. Then the school bus came, and he started to run under <i>that</i>. I grabbed him just as he ran in front of the front tire (the bus was stopped)… so what could I do? I couldn’t call myself an animal lover and just let him go back to that life. So I brought him home.

He looks to be about 6 months old, he’s absolutely gorgeous and soft as a rabbit. He let me hold him for about 10 minutes without much complaining, but is pretty scared of the other cats and terrified of Sparky. We can’t keep him… we have 4 cats already. However I insisted that we keep him until we could find a home for him. Being a wild kitten, I think most shelters would probably just put him down, and even no-kill shelters might have a hard time adopting him out. Plus he isn’t at that little kitten age, he’s bigger.

So if you live in the DC area and have room in your heart for a kitty, let me know. I will only give him to a family who promises to keep him as an indoor cat.

I’m calling him Marble, and here is what he looks like:

picture 1

picture 2


I thought Opal was looking for a new place.


Hi Opal:

I should be able to post him on the Adoptables page for the rescue for which I volunteer (http://www.4asap.org/Adoptables.html) with his story as well as posting his picture at the PetSmart Adoption Center. I’ll talk to the organization founder/operator about him…we can probably help screen for adoptive parents there too. I’ll let you know.

Hmmm. Got 2 cats, do I really want 3…

Opal - He sure is a sweet looking kitty! I’m too far away to adopt him (and my two would object) but I thought you’d be amused by this.

My kitty was in my lap when I pulled the pictures up. She saw Marble and stood up to investigate the new kitty!


Is it a boy kitty or a girl kitty?

Weird, I’m thinking MALE since Opal called Marble a “he.” Silly Dave…

Gee, thank you so much for the info, Mistress Dennison.

He’s gorgeous! I wish I could take him, but I’m too far away, and hubby and 3 cats would all object to another adoption. :frowning: (The dog wouldn’t mind, though…)

I’m in love =((((((((((((((((((((
Hope poor kitty finds a good home. I’m in the wrong country to adopt him.

He is male, neutered, and the vet today gave him a clean bill of health (he had an FIV test that came up negative, too)

He is very very sweet and gentle… he tried to “bite” me at the vet when he got scared… felt like a feather landed on my hand.


E-mail me your phone #, wouldja?

He’s a cutie and I’m a sucker for a stray, but I already have three of the crazy beasts.

Besides, [tongue-in-cheek] he doesn’t match my cats. They’re all black and white.[/tongue-in-cheek]

A woman came to the door just now asking if we’d found her cat. She has two cats and lets them out all the time (bad move, and illegal besides) which is why they were living part of the time in the sewer with the wild cats. She said “well he never comes down this far”… so I told her that Amy’s seen him down in the sewers quite often. And when I told her that he’d run in front of a car, then under the school bus, she was horrified. I told her that she really shouldn’t be letting her cats out around here (hey, it might be rude to tell someone how to take care of their pet, but a life was at stake here) and she said she isn’t letting them out anymore. Hooray! So he’s back with his family AND they aren’t going to be letting him outside anymore.

Thanks to weirddave for offering to take him if we didn’t find him a home–I’m sure you’d have been a great daddy for him. :slight_smile:

Me, I’m just glad he’s safe, and in the meantime we had a nice houseguest.

Well, dern it all, I been working on getting Sulu and Sisko ready for their new pal Archer all week. They are gonna be bummed.
Glad you got him home, Opal.

Well if you want a new kitty, her neighbor has kittens he’s trying to find homes for. Just say the word and I’ll get you one :slight_smile:

The Petsmart (or is it Petco?) at 7 Corners has cats that you can adopt, and they show them on weekends.

Also, in the Sunday paper, there’s a classified ad about cats for adoption, by a very nice lady, who rescues 'em by the dozen. She rents a place just for the cats, around 15th and Corcoran, I think. I once got a great cat from her.

Don’t even bother with the Arlington Animal Shelter. The demand is greater than the supply there, thank God. But other shelters in the area aren’t as lucky. Loudon has to put down lots of cats, so try there.

Don’t forget the cat rescue I volunteer for here in Alexandria! Feel free to direct any “great demand” from Arlington a few miles south to our PetSmart…

That’s Petsmart in 7 Corners on 50; Petco is in Bailey’s Crossroads and also has cats for adoption on occasion.