…going to see Dave Matthews with me? I got tickets (well, I’m SUPPOSED to get them, if FedEx ever delivers them…) to the July 19th show at RFK stadium. Roomie has no interest in going. So, I have 2 tickets, and no one to share them with.
Hey Saxface, DC and I are going to be doing Gay Day at Kings Dominion, but I would love to meet up with you sometime. Send me an email. Unlike last time, I now have a phone in my apartment since last time you caught me in the middle of a move. My email is paganbearcub@hotmail.com.
Sqrl, is that Gay Day this weekend? I love amusement parks, and don’t mind throwing my money behind companies/venues that are gay-friendly. Plus, I was at Kings Dominion when I was like 5, when my family was stationed at Ft. Lee. It’ll be a lot different, but could be fun if I can get Peta to agree to go.
My tickets were about $40 apiece. At this point, I’d be willing to swallow the cost. And remember hon…I only have one ticket to give. I’m SO going, even if I end up going alone.
Phil, yep, Gay Day is this weekend. We are having a friend down from New York City to go with us. I believe it is Saturday and you can get discount tickets at Lambda Rising Bookstore on Connecticut avenue just north of Dupont Circle.
Falcon, I haven’t talked to DC but it doesn’t look as if I will be going as of now. Sorry. HUGS anyway. I like Dave Matthews well enough but I think you would enjoy it more with someone who is also a true afficianado which isn’t me.
God dammit, Phil! How the hell can you be conservative and yet so… nice?!
SaxFace - when were you thinking of hitting the Pharmacy? I used to hang out there in the pre-Mrs. O days and loved it. Maybe I can slip the leash for an hour or two.
Falcon - damn, lucky you! Wish I could say yes, but midweek for me is hell. Hope you find a couple takers!
I could be up Pharmacy Bar event - I live in that 'hood. I’m actually moving away from D.C. soon but would love to meet some of you before I go.
Could be up for Dave Matthews also, but it seems a bit scary to plan something like that without meeting you in public with witnesses (The last anyone heard of her, she went to a concert with some guy named Falcon and then they found her body…)so you should come to Pharmacy Bar too.
What day and when? Is there some kind of handshake at these events or do I just look for the most attractive and debonair folks in the room?
I stand corrected. But what evidence do I have that she’s not a scary girl? :o Max, glad you are here to verify everyone’s gender.
Just kidding, Falcon - hope you’ll come to Pharmacy Bar anyway and we can talk about Dave Matthews if you haven’t found anyone by then. Pleasedtermeetcha.
I stand corrected. But what evidence do I have that she’s not a scary girl? :o Max, glad you are here to verify everyone’s gender.
Just kidding, Falcon - hope you’ll come to Pharmacy Bar anyway and we can talk about Dave Matthews if you haven’t found anyone by then. Pleasedtermeetcha.
Magdelene, Falcon is not a scary girl. Most of the DC Dopers have met her already. Well, I should say many of the Dopers across the country have met her since she has travelled to many of the other Doper meetings up to several states away.
Phil and Leigh Anne, do you guys want to do Gay Day with Mark and me?
Sqrl, I forgot that RTFirefly and I are going to see the Go-Go’s at Merriweather on Saturday. Leigh-Anne might be interested, though, if you e-mail her. (la_peta@yahoo.com)
I’d be up for either DMB of the Pharmacy Bar if I wasn’t going to Hatteras with the GF this weekend. Especially since the Pharm is where we met.
If you’re in that area of Adams Morgan and you’d like to hear some good music, check out “El Rincon”. Its on Columbia right off of 18th- right next to the outside ATM. The upstairs bar has good cubano bands and makes killer caiphirenas (Yes, I know the spelling is wrong).