DC Dopers / MADs - holiday weekend dinner?

I suggested in the Merrifield lunch thread a dinner get-together for next Thursday, 12/20, before the holiday weekend. I’m suggesting Piratz Tavern in Silver Spring.

Who’s interested in dinner? And any other suggestions for a place to meet?

I’d definitely be interested!

Scuba_Ben, don’t you live in Virginia? How about somewhere in Arlington or Alexandria? I can make suggestions if people think VA is a good choice.

Hey I can actually walk there, but I’ve heard it’s not the best place. I do know there are a number of other places just as close to the metro.

What time did you have in mind?

FYI, OpalCat is visiting on the 21st and 22nd, so if you moved dinner to Friday night, she might be able to make it. However, I have an x-mas party that night so I don’t know if I could fit everything in… But just a thought.

I’m thinking about it… some place where kids were tolerated would be nice since I’d be bringing Dweezil/Moon Unit. i.e. not a bar. The kids are pretty good about occupying themselves at a restaurant table so it would not have to be anything like upChuck-E-Cheez!

Well, if Opal is coming to town to say hi, that calls for a DopeFest (or at least dinner)! I can blow off my twice-a-month group at Cleveland Park for her sake. (Besides, that other group doesn’t yet have a place for dinner.)

So far, the main criteria we have are:

  • Metro accessible
  • Kid tolerant

nyctea, feel free to suggest some NoVA places.

Ok, I thought about it long and hard and here are two ideas. Both are right off the Pentagon City Metro stop (like literally 20 feet after you get off the escalator), and both are kid friendly & have kid menus, while at the same time the adults can get drinks, if they wish. Also, if people wanted to do some shopping, the Pentagon City Mall is just across the street. And parking is easy - there is a big lot behind the complex (which includes a Border’s Books and Starbucks, etc.) These are also pretty big places, so we could make reservations for a big table.

Chevys Fresh Mex
1201 S. Hayes Street, #1, Arlington VA 22202 (703) 413-8700

California Pizza Kitchen
1201 S. Hayes St., Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 412-4900

This will be very convenient for me and OpalCat, since she is staying with me and I live only minutes from there… However, if it’s not good for everyone, we could try something else…

I can’t believe you just posted a TWO-item list in a thread about Opalcat.

Any of those places by Pentagon City would work for us. Actually anywhere, though Silver Spring (as cute as Piratz sounds) would be a solid hour or more for us to drive in evening rush - we live fairly near “Malfunction Junction” (Springfield mixing bowl).

Either Thursday (no Opal) or Friday (Opal) would be fine. Typo Knig may even make it :). Saturday would not as we’re probably going up to visit family in PA that evening.

Chevy’s and CPK are both yummy. But I remember CPK being mostly booths, so we would probably be split up into groups of four.

I work about a ten-minute walk from Pentagon City, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got an all-day meeting Thursday and won’t be in town Friday. Don’t be surprised if I show up anyway though.

We aren’t leaving Cleveland until Dominic gets out of school (3pmish) which will put us getting into the DC area around 9pm at the earliest, and our first stop is at Rob’s apartment to drop off Dominic… so I’m not sure that we could realistically do a Friday dinner. We could do a Saturday dinner? Or a Friday late-night thing, but we might be really wiped out from the drive, not sure. We have late-night plans for Saturday but otherwise we are free.

It was a collection, not a list. But here you go anyway:

  • Doper tolerable. (Not excessively noisy; vegetarians won’t feel unwelcome. Which kinda rules out Tom Sarris in Rosslyn.)

Given Opal’s schedule (Hi Opal! Thanks for stopping by the thread.) it looks very much like a Saturday dinner.

Given the two options nyctea posted, I’m supporting CPK.

Dan and I are cool with whatever :slight_smile: Dominic probably won’t be coming, because he’ll already be with his dad and that’s all the way out in Ashburn.

Saturday no good. We had dinner with one family. Sunday’s not good either as we’re having dinner with the other family. Unless we were going to do something around noon I wouldn’t be able to come.

Would Saturday noon work?

We’re out of town Saturday evening and until late Sunday.

We don’t have any problem with doing a lunch thingie.

I can muck with my schedule and do Saturday lunch.

cool! Just so long as it’s a lunch thingie. That part is sort of our dealbreaker. It has to be a thingie.

I’m not sure what kind of thingie you have in mind, Opal. Does it involve 50 yards of athletic tape and a carboy? A slow cooker and instant coffee? A group effort to keep the BLFC title on the Dope for the next five years? A little help here, please.