DC/MD/VA feds---what's your schedule on 1/19?

Clearly, this inauguration is going to go down in the record books for tight security, if nothing else. Our office is in Dupont Circle and we’re off on the day of the inauguration, but I’ve heard conflicting info on what will happen the day before.

I know Eleanor Holmes Norton encouraged the head of OPM to let out federal workers at noon or one on the 19th, but Norton really has no say over it. The Post was also implying that feds would be encouraged to stay home on Wednesday, which presumably means taking annual leave.

I’m not too worried about my commute since I live within walking distance of work, but has any other fed heard a more definite schedule from their supervisor?

My agency is right across the street from the Smithsonian, and I haven’t heard anything about Wednesday. A half day would certainly be welcome, but since I live just a couple Metro stops away on Capitol Hill, I’m not all that worried.

WOO-HOO! We just got an email that we’re closed Wednesday due to a combo of inaugural security and “weather concerns” (DC is so freakin’ afraid of the least bit of snow or ice). :slight_smile:

I haven’t heard a thing about Wednesday’s schedule–unless they let us out early, as they sometimes do the day before a holiday, I assume it’ll be an ordinary working day.

Usually, though, we don’t hear about being let go early until the morning of that day. Even if it’s assumed (New Year’s or Xmas Eve, for example), we have to wait `til we hear it officially before we can leave.

booklover, I just noticed that Stephen Barr’s Federal Diary in the Post is reporting that OPM has suggested to downtown agencies that they allow employees to leave early tomorrow.

(Registration is required for the Washington Post website, sorry!)

Although I’m not a federal employee, my company follows the government’s schedule,. Right now, we’re open on Wednesday and closed on Thursday, but if the feds go ahead and shut down tomorrow, we will, too.

And I’ll be spending Thursday at home–the security level in DC is just too scary to set foot in right now.

I have a feeling that my workplace just decided to close on its own, then (like gobear, we normally follow what the feds say). We’re about half a block from the Washington Hilton, which is already teeming with people, so that probably has something to do with it.

I just got an e-mail, we are being dismissed at 2 pm tomorrow! Woohoo! Now, if I can just work at home on Friday… :wink:

The notice my agency sent out (last Friday) encouraged those who work in DC to either take leave, credit time, or schedule Wednesday as a “work at home” day (those who can, that is!). In other words, no free lunch on us! :smiley: Ah well, I work in the 'burbs so don’t have to worry about it; at least we are off on Thursday.

In a slight hijack, I’m in a sort of slow simmer that so much money is being spent on this second term inauguration! IMHO, the celebration should be toned down at least a notch or two. Yes, I’m a Democrat but even if Kerry had won the election I wouldn’t have wanted to see all this hoopla. Sorry for the hijack.