Dead threads society

It must have happened to all of us, that promising young thread that we release carefree into the crowded and dangerous messageboard.

Gamefully it frolics across the wide inviting forum until suddenly Bamm ! the bottom of the page springs out of nowhere leaving the poor young thing mortally wounded. In desperation we try to recusitate it with a sureptitious bump, but to no avail the title that we gave it did indeed suck and no one is looking at it, thus it sinks slowly into the coma that is yesterdays post’s beyond all real hopes of recovery.

So do you have any nominations of threads either your own or someone else’s that you feel died unjustly before their time ?

And no I am not abusing illegal herbage (the first two paragraphs just sort of happened) :slight_smile:

Dopers in the mist
I was bummed. I put some time and effort into crafting this baby. If not for the assistance of Scylla and a few others, it would have been a total flop.

A thread by jjimm: Old people: living time machines

Mine about the monitor conspiracy. But I wasn’t here to see it die, so I don’t know how sudden it’s demise was.

I think I may have one in the making here.

It sure as hell ain’t my first.

Our monitors are sending us into trances!

Vote for threads with the widest appeal.

Resolutions we can’t keep (specifically on the SDMB, but also in general)

HUmble request.

(here is one I was particularly disappointed didn’t take off)

Understatement is funny (possibly another game)

(and the next one, I suspected people thought I was being racist and didn’t post)

I seem to live in the orient (or, can anyone explain this ICQ phenomenon to me)

My hypothesis (based on my own experience), the words “Asheville, North Carolina” in the title pretty much kills it for people who neither live, nor have been to ‘Asheville, North Carolina’.

The OP might well be the most interesting thing on the planet. but if most dopers are anything like me, they will have seen your thread and said (or thought) “never been there. not clicking”
This is why I am a big proponent of ‘clever’ thread titles as opposed to ‘meaningful’ or ‘descriptive’ ones.

I was somewhat suprised that this thread, that I put a fair amount of thought into garnered all of 2 responses.
Great Performances

But this thread that was some drunken gibberish I spewed out at 4 o’ clock in the morning managed to get 64 responeses.
No Subject

Go figure, I guess.

Any other Fotologgers here?

A grand total of 25 views, zero responses. I could have bumped it, but another free-fall down the MPSIMS page was more than I could stand.

haughty push to the top of the list

Heh. I was wondering if this thread was going to be a nominee.

I’ve had two die without a reply.

One I thought was quite good, just disturbing

I did on thread on mascots, got 3 replies, 2 of them mine. Two days later a new mascots thread shows up, it’s up to 3 pages now and still alive.

:: sniffs armpits ::

Yep. Learning my lesson slowly.

Oh, and count me among those who, at first, thought this thread might make the list too. :wink:

I constructed a thread in the style of Jackie Harvey’s “The Outside Scoop” (that entertainment column from the Onion).

It dropped off like a wet sack of shit. :frowning:

Can’t contribute, but in all honesty I’ve been watching this thread for a bit now, and was wondering if it would fall to an early, ironic death…

And I’ve checked out a few thread that you guys linked to (perhaps in some vain hope of revitalizing them). Some of them are quite interesting.

It is indeed sad when a thread has an early and undeserved death.

My GQ thread about Japanses emperor’s divinity

Two of my most memorable flops (memorable to me as I am sure everyone else forgot about them if they ever saw them in the first place):

I started a thread asking people what things they remember about riding the school bus. With all the things that I observed going on I thought for sure I’d see some real gems turn up. How disappointed I was.

I once asked people to submit hypothetical SDMB posts that would appear on this board 20 years from now. This, too, sank like a brick into the ocean, but I thought it might be a hit.