Dear Violent, Murderous Islamophobes (I know you MUST exist!)

Okay, guys, this is the last straw:

The Left is constantly looking for Teachable Moments, incidents they can publicize and trumpet to prove that middle America is filled with violent racists. They’ve been telling us for years that, while real Islamic terrorism is sort of regrettable, the Twue Danger is a possible, potential, hypothetical, imaginary “backlash” against nice, ordinary Muslim shopkeepers and engineers.

Problem is, you violent racist Islamophobes keep letting them down! You’re SUPPOSED to be out there torching mosques, beating up Pakistani cab drivers, ripping burqas off innocent housewives, sending threatening letters to madrases. That’s your job!!! But you lazy bums keep failing to do it!

There are so few real anti-Muslim hate crimes that the poor liberals and Muslims have to make up their own just to get a little publicity for their cause. And in fairness, they’ve done brilliantly at picking up the slack:

Damn it, there is NO reason liberals and Muslims should need to fake hate crimes. YOU lazy bigots are driving them to do so through your own stubborn, refusal to get off your butts and commit crimes yourselves. You should be ashamed. Get busy committing REAL hate crimes now!!! Otherwise, the Southern Law Poverty Center will have to quit and get productive, useful jobs… and God knows, we don’t want that.

You think you could have waited at least a week before talking about how “rare” anti-Muslim attacks are? I mean, the Portland thing just happened a couple of days ago. It’s still very much in the news cycle.

I know the Doper conservatives are just chomping at the bit to make more librul tears, but this is a pretty stupid and unfunny way to do it.

Rants go in the Pit

I hope you’re not implying the student lied to police.

As the linked story clearly states, he was merely “fibbing.”

This hate-fueled stabbing in Portland, Oregon is all over the fucking news, asshole.

I did find it somewhat, I hesitate to say amusing but will anyway for want of a better term, amusing that the attacker was named Christian.

Sometimes women falsely report being raped.

I guess we can just stop worrying about them anymore along with anti-Muslim violence. :rolleyes:

The Portland stabbing deaths prove that, just like the Islamic terrorists nutjobs they hate, bigoted assholes on the political right are equally happy to target women and the young, and unarmed victims are even better.

OP, your timing on this sucks.

And the OP is cherry picking:

You think that’s bad? Imagine the fallout if it turns out he’s lying about stabbing those people.

What utter bullshit. Astorian is of course trolling, but I welcome him to identify which posters, on this board, actually “publicize and trumpet” fake hate crimes. Names and specific threads, please.

Of the above cites, the first is from November last year and has already been discussed extensively on this board. The second refers to a fake anti-jewish hate crime. The last one is 404.

It’s a national holiday, astorian. Why don’t you take the day off from being a flaming asshole?

Since one of the people killed in Portland wasn’t a Mooslim, I guess the lefties can’t use it as an example of anti-Mooslim violence, right?

The second one discussing an antisemetic threat does also detail an anti Islamic incident that was fabricated. The404 error article appears to be from 2011?

Perhaps this is the incident?

OK, the second one was anti-muslim, not anti-jewish after all. My point remains.

Not only are the Portland murders (thanks trump) still fresh, there was a recent incident where a teacher ripped off a Muslim girl’s hijab. Not that I’m going to look for a cite to satisfy the punk bitch OP.

Liberals lurve terrorism. Thank God right-wing shitstains like Astorian exist to remind us that you can’t be against both terrorism and hate crimes. What a fucking useless cuntbag.

And do we have to go back 6 years top find mosque arson cases?

The Muslims in America are nice and lucky, they have also the non-Muslim Indian Americans to provide the nice targets for what the idiot OP says does not exists, except of course for the murdered dead

but he found an angle for the denial, so he is happy.


I made the mistake of reading the comments under a report of this incident on Yahoo or one of the other big sites. There are actually idiots blaming the teenage Muslim girl for the deaths.

That’s the whole point. The OP and people like him want to stop caring about anti-Muslim crimes. It doesn’t fit their world view. So they love fake crimes because that’s gives them an excuse to ignore real crimes.

Unless it’s James O’Keefe. When he commits a fake crime it proves that other crimes like it are real.