Unless you are my husband or father, I am not your dear. You would think you’d have a clue that perhaps using patronizing terms like dear in a discussion on feminism is inappropriate and offensive.
I can’t decide if you haven’t caught the clue bus, are being intentionally rude, or just think you are amusing. For future reference, I do not find this amusing.
The clue bus is on a five minute schedule…try catching one sometime.
Next time I bop into one of the gay threads in GD, I’ll see how matt mcl or gobear like being addressed as “pansy boy” Should cause them to roll on the floor laughing. Especially if I’m taking the homophobic side of the argument.
(And spooje, if your Grandma is the cookie baking kind, she can call me dear all she wants - as long as we aren’t debating feminism).
Actually, I must admit I have a postcard permanently mounted on my bulletin board at work.
It has a fellow at the front desk of a bookstore, looking cowed as the woman behind the counter bellows “This is a FEMINIST bookstore! There IS no Humor section!”
Oh, good lord. The fact that a term can be patronizing and offensive doesn’t mean that it is.
But, you are right, Dangerosa.december used the term in the other thread in a patronizing manner. I think that was his point - he wanted to get your goat.
And from the fact that you started this thread, it appears that it worked.
Actually, I kind of felt it was on the cusp of “being a jerk” since setting out to get someone’s goat seems to me to be jerkish behavior. But I thought it was more polite to bring it to the pit than to tattletell to a mod.
Well, I’ll wade in with what is basically an aside, which is this:
I don’t think there’s a lamer response to “you have offended me” than “your offense proves you have no sense of humor.” It’s so trite and common that I’m actually surprised when it is not the comeback. C’mon, is that the best you can do? You offend a person, intentionally or not, and when alerted to it, you attack her again, by implying her objection means she’s humorless?
Bullshit. Plenty of people with fully functioning senses of humor nevertheless do not like being patronized. So deal with the fact you patronized her, my little kumquat, or don’t, but pretend like her objection indicates some other failing on her part.
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