Deconstructing Tara (True Blood)

This is actually one of the things that bothers me about Tara, not redeems her. When the show started, and vamps were introduced to society they were all very novel and mysterious. “Ooh, Vampire Bill is here, a real live vampire, shall we parade him around our Confederate Descendants Group?” Now, years later, Tara is still acting this way. Her best friend as well as her childhood crush are half-fairy, her cousin is a witch/medium, his bf was a Mexican witch/medicine man, her boss is a shifter, her circle of friends are rounded out by a crapload of vamps, shifters, werewolves and werepanthers with the odd maenad thrown in. At some point it has got to get less novel to her and she needs to stop getting so angry/freaked out. And I get that the vamps have on occasion taken to kidnapping and torturing her, but for sheer body count, they are pretty lacking. Most of the townfolk so far have been killed by the very human Rene. She should be more afraid of the humans.

For me, Tara went downhill in season 2 with the whole Marianne/Eggs plot. In season 1 she had lots of snappy one-liners which made her enjoyable, and she kind of grounded the more fantastical elements of the show so she served a purpose.

From season 2 onwards all she does is whine whine whine whine whine foxy boxing whine whine whine. I mean come on - FOXY BOXING??? Plus I can’t stand the way she says “Eggs”. It takes me about half a second to say “Eggs”, but it takes her like seven seconds. Ai-eeeeeeehhhhhgz.