Definitely TMI: what is this feeling / symptom called?

Don’t blame me. I warned you this is going to be TMI… :smiley:

What is this symptom or feeling called: I just about constantly feel like I have to take a dump. Even after I take one, I still feel like I vaguely have to go again. It’s especially prominent when I have pee. Most of the times when I head to the (ahem) head to pee, I also feel like I have to take a dump and have to decide “urinal or toilet?”

I actually do take a dump 2 - 3 times a day, but I’ll often sit on the toilet unproductively 2 - 3 times a day, also. My stools, when they occur, appear normal. They aren’t either too runny or too hard. Although if I had to choose an end of that spectrum, I’d say they’re closer to too hard than too runny.

So is there a generally accepted description of this feeling / condition? I’d like to research it but don’t know how to refer to it.

Also, anyone have any idea what might be causing this feeling?

Of course, you are not a doctor, blah blah blah.


Sounds like you’re mildly constipated and you’re not getting all the turd out when you go. Be careful with the unproductive straining to go multiple times a day because you could give yourself piles.

IANAD, this post is likely complete garbage, YMMV, etc.

Because there’s no way I’m clicking on any of these links at work:

The feeling is called tenesmus.

Straining might also stimulate the vagus nerve, which could cause you serious problems. Passing out, IIRC.

It will come. Don’t strain. It does give you hemorrhoids (piles) if you strain too much. Are you taking any meds?

Just remember - what happens to the vagus nerve, stays in the vagus nerve.

I get a similar sensation, most likely caused by my use of morphine for chronic pain. The opiod makes me consripated all the time. Even when I do manage a productive reading room visit, it feels as if I still have to go shortly afterwards. What I find that helps is an occasional use of a suppository (sp?) for constipation. When I use one, I have very productive reading time and I no longer have the uncomfortable after feeling.

Notice how I said occasional use. I was old that one has to be very careful not to become reliant on artificial means to simulate bowel movements as you can get to a point where you can’t go without using them. I agree that it is TMI, and I am reluctant to discuss it on a public forum. However, if it can hall out out a bit, I can stand the humilition.

IANAD, but it sounds to me that you need more fiber in your diet, or in supplement form.

And if you add more fiber, you must add more liquids too or the fiber will just compact things even more.

Thanks for all of the replies so far.

To answer some of the points raised… I believe I get enough fiber already. I eat a lot of fresh foods. I also drink a lot of water (5 - 8) bottles a day.

I might try a one time usage of laxatives to see if that gets rid of the feeling.

Thanks again,

Is it possible you have *too much *fiber? I’m no doctor… is there such a thing? Pooping 2-3 times a day sounds excessive.

Anyway, if this has been going on for more than a week, you might want to see a gastroenterologist.

Again, IANAD, but if you’re pooping 2-3 times a day, I really don’t think (non-fiber) laxatives will be beneficial. (Yeah, there are lots of different kinds of laxatives.)

You say you think you get enough fiber, and that may be partly true, but there are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, so maybe you need less of one and more of the other. Based on your descriptions, I’m gonna guess that what you need is more *soluble *fiber.

I use Equate (Walmart brand) Fiber Therapy (“Compare to Metamucil Capsules”) which are 100% natural psyllium-husk fiber. The directions say to take five(!) capsules with 8 ounces of water, (the water part is VERY important) but in my own experience, one or two have the desired effect, and any more will have undesirable results. So, I’d recommend starting with one or two in the morning with breakfast, and only increase the dosage by one at a time on subsequent mornings if you feel you need more. As long as you slowly adjust your diet, fiber, and water intake, you should be able to gradually find your personal path to regularity.

Also, do you drink coffee? I know if I feel like I need to poop, but can’t, a good strong coffee is often the quickest and most pleasant path to that outcome.

You’re “getting older,” aren’t you?
Maybe, maybe not. But if you are, maybe it’s hard to admit that the plumbing’s getting old.

Why do you think they came up with the word “shart?”

The other night our younger son (both sons lliving with us, don’t ask, recession) announced “I’m taking a shower now. Anybody need the bathroom?”
My husband half-rose out of his seat…and then sat back down. Our son took a hurried shower, later asked me WTF?
I’d asked my husband what his passive-aggresive movement had meant. He said, “I didn’t think I needed to, but I thought maybe I should see if I could.”
I told him Sometimes you give the younger ones ammunition.

Maintain with a water-soluble powdered fiber. Daily. It’ll keep you honest.