I find myself thinking a lot about this.
It starts pretty simple and straightforward. Would you fight to protect yourself?
Probably because you are you, and being alive usually reflects a determination to stay that way.
Those you love are a part of you. Your children, siblings, family, mate. For the same basic reason you will fight for them
Looking around, you might find that there are other groups of people just like you, though unrelated, who also love and protect each other. Becuase of their similarity and circumstances, you can identify and sympathize with them. Primitive man inevitably found that he and his were much safer and stronger with mutually beneficial allegiances of similar groups.
The same basic concept is what makes insurance works.
Look at two family groups of 6 people each living in close proximity to each other, and picture the patterns of degrees of allegiance between the members of these societies to each other.
As a male in group A how do you respond to the dominant female in Group B?
At what times do these groups compete and at what time do they help each other.
If you think about the dynamics of groups like this, it is truly incredibly complicated. But, it seems that we do it very easily as humans. Think of how easily we network together to perform tasks, and think of all the different networks we belong to. Family, friends, work, etc.
Think about all the complex interractions we engage in with others. I think that the protocols going into even a pretty isolated human’s behaviors towards others is far more complex than even the largest of computer networks.
Yet we don’t go walking around with huge pages of protocol and code and notes telling us how to deal with the wife’s sister’s friend who slept with your brother but doesn’t like you, yet you have to spend the day with her helping her move into a new apartment.
You just instinctively knew that you had to help her, and she knew you had to to and never became an issue. The rules are complex, yet we all seem to understand them. We are exceedingly good at forming into complex cooperative/competitive groups and fulfilling our rolls within those groups.
In fact, if you think about it, it is pretty much all we do. That’s what it means to be human, and a part of humanity.
Our lives are based on functioning with degrees of allegiance, and those degrees of allegiance are based on identity. The closer something is to our identity the greater the allegiance we owe it.
Think about it and try to write down the rules that govern your most basic family and work relationships. You’ll have to give up. It’s too complex.
Yet we handle it easily. In fact (and here’s the big word,) we handle it instinctually It’s hardwired into us.
The same thing that makes us love our wife, willing to gladly die to protect our children is the same governing principle that makes prisons break up into hostile groups based on race, that makes nations wage war.
The fact is that I am most comfortable when I’m with people I identify with. I intend to identify with people that are most like me.
Even, perhaps especially on these boards, where we are nothing but the words we type to each other we still self-organize into like groups.
An attack on a gay poster will tend to garner support from other gay posters.
Conservatives and liberals band together against each other. Say something against the particular intersts of a group and the members of that group will band together.
The degrees of allegiance work out interestingly. In one thread I may be allied with a person who has identified themselves as a hefty liberal black woman against a person who dislikes SUVs. We both have SUVs and show a degree of allegiance and support each others arguments and help each other and identify with each other and our differences are meaningless because of our common allegiance.
Later on we may argue about capital punishment and become enemies, and all our differences may become highlighted because of the conflict.
I identify with my colleagues, and those I conflict with become “other.” They are different. They are unlike me. They are bad.
There is no good reason why we do this, but it seems to me that we work very hard to. We have all the “ask the ____ guy” threads so that we can determine degrees of similarity and allegiance. We state that it is to promote understanding, but I’m not sure I completely by it. It’s to know our friends and to know our enemies and to know which is which and what is what when… to figure out degrees of allegiance.
Nowhere does this become more obvious and ridiculous than in political threads. Politics is basically degrees of allegiance with very little underlying substance.
In numerous threads we have tried to discover what conservative or liberal means, and there are certainly tendencies, but few hard and fast rules. basically it depends on who you choose to identify with.
I believe that there is very little substance behind these degrees of allegiance.