DeLay indicted

Anyone suprised? The shit has finally caught up with the scumbag. I was worried for a while there when he had his county’s prosecutor in his pocket.

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person, bless his heart.

Lies! Slander! Treasonous calumny! Massive left-wing conspiracy! Saddam! Osama! Jeebus and the Right to Bear Arms! 9/11! Watch what you SAY!

Delay is a powerful man. It’ll be interesting to watch him fight this one. He loves his job and is a confrontational SOB…I don’t think he’ll step down from his seat unless utterly back-to-the-wall.

On the other hand, I betcha elucidator is happy right now.

DeLay to step aside after indictment

Now the question is: does the buck stop with him, or is he the first domino?

Note my phrasing. He’ll step aside as Majority Leader not his seat in the House of Representatives. He’ll leave the House when absolutely forced to and not before.

Besides, current House rules require him to step aside from his leadership position when indicted. If he’s acquitted he’ll be back in PDQ.

Or pardoned.

Is it wrong for me to be so…jubilant? I just can’t help it. This is some of the best news I’ve heard in years. Here’s hoping this dirtbag eats it and drags half his disgusting party down with him. I can only wish with great fervor that some of the associated muck and mire sticks to BushCo indelibly. If a few Dem’s finally remember to insert their spines in the morning before they go to work, maybe some of the other acts of perfidy our Republican Overlords have been serially committing since 2001 might actually attract serious legal scrutiny for a change.

Is FOX’s report that David Dreier is on tap to succeed him credible?

Yes, this is actually a serious question.

CNN reported the same thing, attributing it to Hastert.

Washington post also reports Haster saying Drier will succeed DeLay.

Hopefully, just as the coverage about DeLay’s indictment dies down, they’ll announce Karl Rove’s indictment.

Oh, don’t tease! Don’t tease me like that!

Nah, it looks like the scuttlebutt is that Hastert will propose Dreier. It has not been confirmed that he actually said it.

As long as someone from the media stops him on his way out of the courtroom to ask “Admit it, this is kinda fun, isn’t it?”, I’ll be satisfied.

Who here knows anything about Dreier? Is this an improvement, or just a swap?

You omitted the most important talking point (“Clinton Did Worse”). I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to turn in your Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Secret Decoder Ring.


Here’s his House page.

I’m not sure anyone could be The Hammer again. And I’m betting that Hastert is, inside, just a little bit, happy to see the higher profile Delay off screen for a while.