Dementor Vs. Ringwraith

Figured since we’d already had Sauron vs. Voldemort, why not go down to the next level of evil.

Guards at Azkaban
Emotional leeches
Cause traumatic thoughts in their prey
Tall, dark and ugly

Former men, now servants of Sauron
Invisible (unless you have the ring)
able to sense the Ring
I’m not sure if the dementors are corporeal, since my memory is foggy on Potter. I don’t remember them mentioning if anyone else works at Azkaban, and if not the dementors would have to be physical.

So, who would win in a smackdown? Assume the wraiths don’t have their horses or beasts, to make it fair.

The dementors were corporeal beings, IIRC.

There’s not much else I can say on this one. I’ve read the HP books, but never read LOTR. I’ve only seen the Ringwraiths in the movies, which isn’t much for a comparison.

I can’t recall if anyone attacked the Dementors outright (say with a stupify spell) in HP.

Anyway, the Wraiths have wnasty weaponry. The Dementors can suck out your soul.

Do the Nazgul have souls?

The Demontors wouldn’t be able to do anything to a Ringwraith, whereas a Wraith has a large, sharp sword. Ringwraith, no contest.

Sam could be a dementor.

Seconded to the nth degree.

Seconding Zebra’s post as well.

And the Witch King (the head Ringwraith) is some kind of wizard himself. He probably knows spells that could have a Dementor begging for mercy.

The Dementors seemed to be corporeal. Ringwraiths weren’t. They did use corporeal weaponry, though. Dementors didn’t use ANY weaponry, aside from their ability to suck souls and traumatize people just by their presence.

I have a hard time thinking that a Ringwraith would get all weepy just because there were Dementors around.

I have a very easy time thinking that a Ringwraith would simply whip out a Morgul-knife and find out whether or not a Dementor has anything resembling a gall bladder, and where it might be located.

Ringwraith, no contest.

Yeah…I think the dementors would have about the same luck terrifying a computer out of operation as they would sucking the soul out of a Ringwraith. Dementors are pretty nasty, no doubt, and definitely some of the darkest Harry Potter villains. But I think they only really work against beings with thoughts and dreams of their own.
The books, at least (maybe the movies) specifically state that the corrupting power of the Ring has no influence on the wraiths. Their essence is totally under Sauron’s control. I would expect the power of the Dementors to fail in the same way.

Granted that the Dementors would be powerless against the Ringwraiths, but on the other hand, Dementors aren’t subject to fear, which is the primary weapon of the Nazgul. And we don’t have any evidence that Dementors are vulnerable to any form of attack other than the Patronus, which I’m quite certain the Witch-King can’t summon (since it requires the caster to concentrate on happy thoughts, and the Nazgul are pretty much in a state of perpetual torment). So in a direct confrontation, I’d have to call it a stalemate.

Now, if the question is which would be more likely to win a fight against some non-undead opponent, then I’d be inclined to bet on the Ringwraith. Once you know what you’re doing, a Dementor or three isn’t that hard to deal with, but a single Nazgul can turn the tide of a whole battle.

I have a feeling the Dementor would have a hard time functioning if you hack off its arms, legs, and head. And they do have those things. And I really, really doubt they are simply invulnerable.

And the Witch-King himself could use some offensive sorcery; he is supposed to have some things of that nature.