Describe each candidate with one word

Without having read the other submissions:

Obama: smart
McCain: senile
Palin: annoying
Biden: loud

Obama: Serious
Biden: Igor
McCain: Codger
Palin: Rabid

Harper - Narcissistic A-hole (ok thats two words but I hate him too much for one word)
Dion - Bland
Layton - Smarmy
Duceppe - Ineffectual
May - Passionate

I am not a huge fan of any of the leaders so I am voting strategically for the best shot to not elect a damn conservative.

Gotcha ya?

Obama: Thoughtful
McCain: Emotional

Biden: Aggressive
Palin: Mistake

Obama: Future
McCain: Failure

Biden: Politician
Palin: Jackass

Couldn’t figure out how to combine yapping and jackass.

Obama: future/hope (can’t decide)
McCain: cynical

Biden: competent
Palin: arrogant

Obama - Presidential

McCain - Unstable

Biden - Seasoned

Palin - Annoying

Obama - Idealist

McCain - Luddite

Biden - Blunt

Palin - Incompetent

Obama: Intelligent

McCain: Pathetic

Biden: Decent

Palin: Terrifying

Obama: Rational
McCain: Pitiful (as in, I look at him and feel an ache of pity)
Biden: Honest
Palin: Dangerous

McCain: Batman
Obama: Jedi

Obama - Pragmatic

McCain - Crotchety

Biden - Loud

Palin - Embarrassing


Obama: Overrated
McCain: Meh

Biden: Jerk
Palin: Ditzy

Obama: Hope
McCain: Expired

Palin: Scary
Biden: Typical

Obama: Green
McCain: Doddering
Palin: Hen
Biden: Squinty

Obama: Tall
Biden: Garrulous

McCain: Tired
Palin: Shrill