Desperate Housewives 1/14

Alma has moved to Wisteria Lane, while the Scavo Pizzeria faces challenges. That’s about all I know, so I’ll check back with you later.

Has the pizzeria even opened yet?

according to my dish info box, the Scavo Pizzeria faces an uncertain future…I am DVRing it tonight. :smiley:

My focus was split and my reception was poor. What did Lynette do to get the last holdout to sign the waiver? In a different sort of show I’d think hummer but not our Lynette!

How odd that Zack with all his money ended up going to the same hair stylist as Alma. Seriously, what was up that boy’s hair? He didn’t used to wear Eva Gabor wigs, why would he start?

Zach with Danny Bonaduce hair is a nightmare.

Oh, and Lynette flashed her breasts for the old lech.

Didn’t Zach pull the plug on Gramps or what’s-his-face?? Then he inherited all his money. I have such a bad cold that I can’t think straight.

BTW you can go to abc online and watch the episode again.

What was going on with Bree at the end?

Just in case it hasn’t finished airing out west, I’ll use a spoiler box

She was holding…I don’t know what. It looked like apple peels, or maybe fake fingernails. And who was she worried about when she pulled out the gun?!

They were teeth! Whose teeth, we don’t know. She found them in Alma’s pantry under a loose floorboard, along with a picture of Orson and Alma.

The dead mistresses’ teeth were missing.

Wasn’t that a photo of Orson and Monique?

But she put them back! When did she take them out again? And yes, I thought the picture was of Monique…Orson seems to have a thing for redheads. So does this mean Alma murdered Monique to frame Orson?

No, she put the photo back–she slipped the teeth into her pocket.

I thought Zach’s hair was more Lizabeth Scott-y.

That’s what I thought too, but she says to him “I know what you did to Monique”; maybe somehow he doesn’t remember killing her? Or he didn’t succeed and Alma finished her off?

Monique didn’t have very good-looking teeth.

Please let them do something about Zach’s hair. It’s painful to watch.

Oh, and I forgot my favorite line:

Tom bans Lynette from the Grand Opening of the pizza joint and she’s miffed and calls off the imminent sex they were going to have. “You’re banned from the opening.”

It was “Well, you banned me from your opening…” which is ever so much filthier.

I love the Scavos. My favorite family on the show.

Yeah, that was pretty awful. First off, why is Zach zeroing in on Gabby? I would think he’d be pining after Julie. And is it possible Gabby didn’t recognize Zach’s voice on the phone? :dubious:

I take it Bree will be confronting Orson with the teeth, but I don’t think Alma meant for her to find them. After all, teaching the parrot to say, “Don’t tell Bree” is one thing, but then to expect 1)Bree to drop and break her glass 2)Bree to head into the closet for a broom 3)Bree to be wearing high heels 4)Bree to step on the correct loose board that hides the picture and the bag of teeth is a bit of a stretch.

Is it just me, or does Austin seem rather blah? I know he’s supposed to be some sort of teenaged stud, but he’s got all the charisma of a Ken doll.

On the other hand, when we saw Susan head upstairs with the laundry basket, who among us did not immediately know she was going to do a “Laverne & Shirley” right back down again?

Well, she did say the voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t quite place it, and it had been a while since she’d seen him (long enough for him to grow out that awful hair, anyway).