Desperate Housewives 4/15

Susan considers moving (out of Wisteria Lane or farther?) ; Tom worries about Lynette and another fellow at the pizzeria; and more.

This episode didn’t do much for me. But the shocker at the end involving Mrs. McCluskey was a goodie!

Agreed. All the others were so dull this time…well, except Tom and Lynette.

Did ya notice how they showed all the couples being romantic at the end…except Tom and Lynette? Guess he didn’t get serviced, even after the apology to Mrs. McCluskey. This was not a great episode. The first time Mrs. McC. reached into the freezer for a popsicle, I knew what the closing scene would be. But this is the first time we’ve seen little Penny in a while, isn’t it? Nice that they’ve allowed her to grow up a bit…the little girl playing her is adorable, and her character may not be as bratty as the others.

the divemaster took one look at the terror trio and said quietly, “death.” :smiley:

and somebody tell me how the hell i missed mr. M. inna damn freezer?!?! of ocurse i will have to go home tonight and load up the ep and watch it again. where was it? at the end of the show?

So Lynette’s running the restaurant and taking care of 5 kids kids while Tom lies there barking out orders, and now he wants a blow job. If I were Lynette, I’d service him by biting that sucker clean off and sticking in his goddamn pie!

I lost the last 3 minutes (or so). Carlos & Edie got into bed and then ______________? What happened?

Not to mention the passive-aggressive whining. “Oh, I just hate that I can’t help out. My inability to do so is the worst possible punishment I could endure!”

Mrs. McCluskey opened her freezer, and there was a corpse in it (at least, the head). Her dead husband, I’m figuring.

Carlos and Edie had good sex that time.

I missed what The Mayor was saying to Gabi…

He apologized for not having called, asked for another chance, and told Gabi that he loves her.

scared the cats with my “i knew it!!!” at the end.

i can’t remember what mrs. mcc. said happened to her husband… did she have him run off, just die on vacation, or some such? i remember she stated her son died in war… did dad as well?

The picture of the two McCluskey’s show him older, and the body looked like an older man, so I’m assuming he didn’t die in a war… and the freezer reveal was the last few seconds of the show, scubaqueen. Who or what is the terror trio?

Lynette’s kids!!! They are the absolute worst.

They’d better not write off Mrs. McCluskey because she’s one of the best characters on the show. And, for the love of pete, ANOTHER murder/dead person on Wisteria Lane?

Tom was insufferable. I hate how the writers emasculate all the men on the show. Is Lynette still working full time at the ad agency?

The Mayor should dump Gabrielle like a hot rock. She’s a manipulative, narcisstic bitch.

I really liked Susan this episode. She cut down the whining and actually stood up to Ian. And Mike is soooo dreamy.

The whole “What does ‘good in bed’ mean?” joke fell flat with me.

Ooops! Dupe Post!

But they still made her a complete klutz with her driving skills… I mean…you swerve to avoid a deer and you just happen to hit a dirt ramp and jump your SUV, flip it in the air, and land upside down in a lake??? Yeah, that’s our Susan alright…

And don’t forget her setting fire to her future Mother-in-law…


Mike and Carlos are still plenty manly. Tom had been emasculated pretty much from the beginning.

Nope, she’s standing by her man by becoming Business Manager at the pizza place. Hmm, Jason Geddrick, yum.

Why the hell would the mayor-to-be be **in love ** with Gaby? Hot for her yes, but love??

the scavo brood. those are the most frightening children i think i’ve ever seen. :smiley:

neither the dive master nor myself are parents. we intend to keep it that way