Desperate Housewives 4/30

Just 'cause I feel like starting it early.

Ok, I’m totally sitting here with a tear streaming down my face because of that last scene with Gabby and Carlos. :frowning:

And: Holy shit, they’re gonna kill Caleb! :eek:

Oh, NO!!! I missed it! Help – what happened?

Susan and Barbie (totally blanking on the name) bonded in a bar brawl with Hootersesque women (I think I’ve had that dream…). Susan didn’t tell Edea (Edea?) about her fling with Carl and Edea hired a private dick. A dectective, you perv.

Though a series of odd events Lynette wound up cybersexxoring her boss’s wife with his permission (somewhere Edmund Roslind smiles and I think I’ve had that dream…). Mrs. Bosserson found out and was pissed. She demanded that Mr. Bosserson fire the party responible or else she’d divorce him. Rather than axing Lynette (too important to the company) or growing a pair and taking responiblity he decided to axe Tom. Lynette vowed to fight him on that.

Through Breesque manicanations Bree became her AA sponsor’s sex addict’s anonymous sponsor in the hopes of knocking him off the sex wagon.

The Applewrongs sold the house. Othello (the Applewrong’s boy) and Desdemona (Danielle) went all reverse Iago and tricked Caleb into attempting to rape Danielle which caused Bree to stop him (by shooting into the air?! Turn in your NRA card, now.), which caused Bree to threaten to break their agreement turning the A-wrongs into the police. Mrs. Applewrong went all One Flew Over the Cukcoo’s Nest and decided the Caleb would have a better life dead than locked in a mental institution.

Long story, short: the kids want their baby back. The last scene was the police taking Lily from Gabby as she protested (very well acted IMHO).

It’s “Edie.”

I never thought that Bree could annoy me more than Susan, but things are headed that way . . . Bree has become completely selfish and manipulative, and not in a “fun” or entertaining way. I hope they do something to redeem her storyline before the season ends!

And I’ll admit that I was disappointed to find out that Matthew and Danielle were working together. I was really hoping that Matthew got turned off by Danielle’s stupidity and was trying to get Caleb to kill her. Would have been a better storyline. :smiley:

This was the first time that I’ve really actively disliked Bree. The MAVO a month or so back said something about how she had swapped her craving for alcohol out for a craving for Hippie Beecher so I’m hoping that her campaign to get him into bed turns out to be a symptom of that (even though that in itself is completely fucked up) and not that she’s a totally selfish bitch. Based on Bree’s experience with her not-a-lesbian sponsor I was under the impression that these Blank Anonymous groups had some sort of vetting process for being someone’s sponsor. Hard to believe that anyone in SA would sign off on a non-sex addict who was herslef only a few weeks into recovery for alcoholism be a sex addict’s sponsor.

But maybe the people who make sponsorship decisions are the same ones who dole out the economy-sized bottles of liquid phenobarbitol to unemployed concert pianists without a prescription.

Miss Eva acted the hell out of that scene. I’m impressed.

I shouldn’t expect reality with this show, but shouldn’t Carlos and Gaby have been given notice that Stripper Mom was in court to get her baby back? They had legal custody, even if it was only temporary.

Nice to see, from the previews, that the writers didn’t just forget Tom’s secret.

Ditto on Eva’s performance. Heartbreaking scene.
Holy crap…Phenobarb for Caleb??

I wouldn’t know, as the people with whom I watch the show chose this scene to start flapping their goddamn mouths and not shutting up for most of it.

That’s what I thought. I would think their attorney would at least give them a heads up the bio-mom had petitioned the court to get her baby back. Poor Gabby.

Little heavy on religion, this episode. I wonder if Gabby will think she lost Lily because she was a bad mom (initially) and that God is punishing her?

I am totally pissed off at how the writers handled the Applewhites. Here, we have the stellar Alfre Woodward and they completely wasted that storyline. We didn’t find out MAVO’s dirty little secret until near the end of season one. It’s like TPTB decided they needed a token, then fumbled and now have to scramble to finish off the story. That could have been a beautifully suspenseful plotline, and instead, fizzle. :mad:

Refresh my memory, please.

It’s been hinted strongly at, but we don’t know what it is. Basically, his father came to visit, and he cheated on his wife right there on Lynette’s living room sofa. She kicked him out, furious, and warned Tom if he ever cheated on her she’d take the kids and leave.

Tom, having a quiet cup of coffee with his dad, said something along the lines that “There’s something I did Lynette doesn’t know about. But if she ever found out…”

Considering Tom was engaged to someone else when he met Lynette, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s looked over the fence a time or two to see what’s on the other side.