Desserts for a hurricane theme party

I’m thinking something with coconut or pineapple. Any good recipes? I’d really appreciate them. :slight_smile:

Food Network has some good recipes.

So does

I remember making a pineapple-orange cake once…yum.

Chop up a coconut and/or pineapple.
Drench with tons of water.
Throw all over the room.

Got a grill?

I enjoy a grilled pineapple slice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on it. A LITTLE Black pepper on the pineapple.

I bet you could drizzle a little “Malibu” over this to get your coconut fix.

At “” there’s a good sampling of recipes from a search on “coconut pineapple”. I didn’t link it because I think you have to register (free).

How about key lime pie? If you wanted to be silly you could serve the pie a la mode, with the slice flipped sideways on the plate and leaning against the ice creme.

Pfah on fruits, tropical or otherwise.

If you want to serve a dessert that is themed to a hurricane, there is but one way to go.

Ice, preferably in the plastic bag. With a $30 price sticker on it.

Other than something vaguely tropical, I don’t know what a good dessert would be for the party but for drinks, you’ll be serving Hurricanes, right?

Are you having the party at home, or have you finally moved out of the state that the Alien Hurricane Overlords are claiming for their own this summer?

I can’t imagine what would be left in the stores at this point of the game. So for a dessert I’d suggest whatever it is you have left that hasn’t spoiled, and tell your guests that they’re damn lucky to have anything.

I’m with Aesiron. Heck with the desserts, cut right to the chase.

- 1 oz Vodka
- 1 oz Gin
- 1 oz Light Rum
- 1/2 oz 151 Proof Rum
- 1 oz Amaretto
- 1 oz Triple Sec
- 3 splash(es) Grapefruit Juice
- 3 splash(es) Pineapple Juice
- 2 splash(es) Grenadine

Pour gin, vodka, rums, amaretto, and triple sec into a tall glass with ice. Add the pineapple and grapefruit juices, then top with granadine.

This is for a friend’s party. We live in Indianapolis, so it’s not an actual evacuation.

I think the key lime idea is good. I bet I could make a yummy one.

How about pineapple upside-down-sideways-and-spread-over-the-wall cake?

Hurricane Party held in Indianapolis… hmmm…

If you can get your hands on mangoes, papayas, carambolas (starfruit) and some other tropicals, that would be fairly Floridian. While coconuts grow here, neither they nor pineapples arecommercial crops. That would be Hawaii. You could mix up a nice fruit salad.

I thought of Rum Runners and Hurricanes as well. (I’ve had enough of both to last a lifetime.)

Funny thing is, in a hurricane, or right after, you eat all the crackers and tuna in the house and whatever else has been sitting on the shelf for three years that nobody would touch. For some reason, extended power outages tend to make people really hungry for foods they don’t care much for.

Of course, there is pineapple upside down cake, which seems appropriate since you wouldn’t find a pineapple right side up after a hurricane…

While you are searching the internet for recipes, click on the “Caribbean” box – there’s where you’ll find all sorts of tropical recipes with your Hawaiian fruits.

Or you could buy a bag of oranges, fling them up against the side of the house and then throw them around the living room. Whatever people find, they can eat. Sort of like Kissimmee, Florida right about now…