Sr. olives and I are coming home for break this year, and as usual, I have a list of demands from my Doper friends.
One (1) highly entertaining Dopefest to be held in the vicinity of delicious food over the Winter holiday.
A bowl of M&Ms available in my dressing room at every performance, with all the orange ones removed.
So I was thinking maybe, hopefully ya’ll would be free on the 29th or 30th.
I picked delicious Middle Eastern food last year in Dearborn, so someone else gets to choose this time. I would not, however, be opposed to delicious Middle Eastern food, if the spirit so moves ye.
I’ll see if my wife would be interested, too. As far as delicious holiday food, I’ll bring a gallon of my wife’s patented, authentic Sicilian amogue sauce and Italian bread for any garlic lovers.
Although, it’s not necessarily holiday food, per se, it’ll just literally make your tongue explode. In a good way. We’ll have EMS on speed-dial.
ETA: Even if we do a restaurant first, you can never have too much dip at the ready.
I’ve learned through the years, most times the hard way, that many people (and businesses) have wide variances in what they consider “accessible”; most of the time these definitions fail to accommodate wheelchairs in any sort of respectable fashion. My only requirements are doors that are wide eough for clearance of my chair (from rim to rim my chair is 24 inches wide) and PREFERABLY not more than one step to get inside the aprtment (but unlike the door widths, this isn’t an absolute deal breaker). I can deal with anything else.
Well obviously the solution is for Ambivalid to attend his first ever dopefest at his place then!
Nothing weird about that, nope, not at all. My first dopefest I wound up bringing a bunch of weirdos at a bar home with me, and just look how I turned out.
Also, was anyone else just overcome with curiosity and had to go measure their doorways?