DFW Dopefest

Well, what do you think?

May is kind of bad for us, so shall I start the bidding on June?

Do I hear a June? Maybe a Sautrday, June 14?

whistles innocently

Hmm, June 14th. That sounds like a fairly good time to have a party. I wonder if we have any doper birthdays we could use as an excuse…

[sub]Why yes, the second week in June actually IS my birthday(the 12th). However did you guess?[/sub]

Well, all the better![sub]mainly because the birthday boy has to pick the place. mwahahaha![/sub]

<- crumbles under pressure


June’s a good month for me.

I’m free in June as long as it’s not the last week. I’ll be in England until July 9th (or something).