Look, Dick, if you assert a fact, provide support for that fact when called on it. Don’t float an absurd assertion out of your ass and parade it about as a fact. A fart is not a fact. Quit with the ignorance.
Muffin, I know I told you to chill a bit in the other thread, but the following quote does deserve a head smack. Good on you for taking it here rather than continue a highjack.
And I saw the Loch Ness monster. I can’t remember where and I can’t prove it, but he asked me for three fifty. It’s true!
Rupert Murdoch owns Fox, among other things, which tells a great deal of Republicans what and how to think. He’s not the sole contributor, but he influences it a lot.
I’m still waiting for you to prove me wrong and I don’t think this needs its own thread. You can answer me in the original thread or play with yourself to your heart’s content in this one.