Dick Dastardly, quit with the ignorance

Look, Dick, if you assert a fact, provide support for that fact when called on it. Don’t float an absurd assertion out of your ass and parade it about as a fact. A fart is not a fact. Quit with the ignorance.


Well, you successfully found another democracy where media is owned by a company that does government contracting, so you proved him wrong. Good man.

In Italy, don’t they have a guy that pretty much owns the country for PM?

That’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but Berlusconi is a major business owner and a media magnate.

Isn’t Rupurt Murdoch in charge of the Republicans over here? Or is it just the more generalized conservative opinion machine?

Muffin, I know I told you to chill a bit in the other thread, but the following quote does deserve a head smack. Good on you for taking it here rather than continue a highjack.

And I saw the Loch Ness monster. I can’t remember where and I can’t prove it, but he asked me for three fifty. It’s true!

Rupert Murdoch owns Fox, among other things, which tells a great deal of Republicans what and how to think. He’s not the sole contributor, but he influences it a lot.

I, for one, welcome our not very new Australian overlord.

But, if we couldn’t float absurd assertions out of our asses and parade them about as facts, none of us would have anything at all to say*!

  • disclaimer: this absurd fact is of rectal origin and utterly lacks substantiation or, most likely, factual basis.

I’m still waiting for you to prove me wrong and I don’t think this needs its own thread. You can answer me in the original thread or play with yourself to your heart’s content in this one.

Listen, you stupid jackass, you made the claim, and you have to fucking back it up. Put up or shut the hell up.


I farted. And that’s a fact. Ask my wife and two dogs if ya don’t believe me

But did the government ban your fart?

It should. My dogs are still hiding behind the couch and my wife still wont talk to me.:eek:

You might be able to get some federal cash if you can have your home declared a superfund site: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/