I don’t think the UN’s new PSAs have been mentioned yet, so go here for an explanation (and short video). These cartoon condoms have been translated into 41 languages, with a potential to reach 80% of the world’s population.
So I just have to ask: which is your favorite? I think I like Shaft, just because he comes with his own theme song.
I like the, “Women, take charge and carry your own condoms, because you shouldn’t trust that he’ll have one” message
I really don’t like the “Men are jerks who can’t be trusted and are obviously lying if they claim to want to date for any reason other than getting laid” subtext.
And I really, **really **don’t like the “Women are shrieking harridans or scowling interrogators who hate men and don’t trust them” subtext.
If these are being played in countries which already view women as something bad and immoral, and divide people by gender through social mores, I don’t see how it’s going to improve those matters any.
Am I reading too much into it? I’d much rather see the same textual message transmitted via showing open and honest discussion in loving or at least respectful relationships. Maybe I’m weird like that.
WhyNot, I can definitely see your concern. Sending a good message about safe sex shouldn’t necessarily imply one gender is inherently untrustworthy or dangerous. There ought to be a way to explain to people about personal accountability and taking precautions that don’t imply a gender is dumb/irresponsible.