Did Hitler have a worse moustache than Stalin?

Hitler’s mousatache has certainly got a bad rap since the war – in fact, having a “Hitler moustache” seems to have negative connotations for the wearer of it. Even cats are mocked if they have a Hitler moustache. Nobody cares about cats with Stalin moustaches.

So, whose was worse?

Me, I think Hitler’s was better, in a purely functional sense. It was basically a straight bar, while Stalin’s had the handlebar things that look considerably harder to maintain.

Apparently, he knew this firsthand.

Well, it’s just such a distinctive style. Stalin’s is, more or less, “big bushy mustache” of the sort favored by men who like big bushy mustaches since time immemorial. The toothbrush 'stache, though… it’s basically Hitler and Charlie Chaplin.

I will say, though–that Stalin was a handsome devil when he was a young man (and, perhaps not coincidentally, unmustachio’d).

Yeah, Hitler had the better mustache, if only because he had a leg up in any Charlie Chaplin costume - for Halloween, or parties, or contests - whatever.

Hitler had a toothbrush mustache. Oliver Hardy had one too, as did Max Fleischer and George Orwell. Wiki says: “It was a neat, uniform, low-maintenance style that echoed the standardization and uniformity brought on by industrialization, in contrast to the more flamboyant moustaches typical of the 19th century such as the Imperial, Walrus, Handlebar, Horseshoe, Pencil and Fantastico moustache.”

Wasn’t that what the war was about?

Yes, but no one wanted to admit it.

Holy crap.

Well, Hitler wasn’t chopped liver. http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&rlz=1T4AURU_enUS498US502&biw=1680&bih=807&tbm=isch&tbnid=gvWpmESi_PiSNM:&imgrefurl=http://canaryinthecoalmine.typepad.com/my-blog/2011/06/the-seeds-of-hitlers-hatred-infamous-1919-genocide-letter-unveiled-to-the-public.html&docid=Hch3dExb9NnTPM&imgurl=http://canaryinthecoalmine.typepad.com/.a/6a013487f321e0970c015432df686d970c-pi&w=307&h=409&ei=In99Uub6D4qgkQfz84GoDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=250&page=2&tbnh=142&tbnw=107&start=50&ndsp=63&ved=1t:429,r:54,s:0,i:256&tx=47&ty=102
But, Uncle Joe does beat him, IMHO.

He was also a great painter…

Hitler… there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in ONE afternoon! TWO coats!* - Franz Liebkind

Uncle Joe was quite the fashion plate wasnt he. Wut a hawtie!

Stalin had small pox as a child, and was insecure about his appearance. That photo (I think it’s a mugshot) was probably air-brushed later.

Thank YOU, gaffa!

Hmmm… perhaps we should have noticed the Rachel Ray terrorist wrap earlier http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=ce270d38103a630c3181db372a25a052&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fboards.straightdope.com%2Fsdmb%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D16837857%23post16837857&v=1&libId=c3bf1f8a-548b-45ea-a96b-69dcf30a0373&out=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F6%2F6e%2FStalin_1902.jpg&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fboards.straightdope.com%2Fsdmb%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchid%3D10435943&title=Did%20Hitler%20have%20a%20worse%20moustache%20than%20Stalin%3F%20-%20Straight%20Dope%20Message%20Board&txt=handsome%20devil&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13854247850936. Maybe could have avoided a lot of trouble.

No, that is chopped liver. I bet every girl that met him wondered if they were gonna end up tied to a railroad track going by that greasy pic.

Hitler’s mustache was briefly fashionable but I think we are talking Flock of Seagulls hairdo, style wise.

Stalin’s mustache was GLORIOUS!

As for the young Stalin…Ah’ll be in mah bunk. Feeling really guilty, but DAYUM!

Instead of Hitler VS Stalin, how about Friedrich Nietzsche VS Salvador Dali? Now there’s a moustache fight.

Some of them US Civil War Generals had truly epic facial hair. sample

Although, most of those seemed wild and untamed growths… another sample