Did I imagine this story about Paul Simon?

It’s a well known story. In fact, he wrote a song about it, The 59th Straight Binge Song (Feelin’ Hungry).

Perhaps in the same episode in early 1988 where he walked out at the beginning of the show with the presidential candidate of the same name?

(Sorry, couldn’t find it on You Tube.)

Well, here’s one from him, for a start; if you want more, I’ll go look for more…

Or bow tied senator Paul Simon, but he’s been dead for a while.

Couldn’t a man of Paul Simon’s wealth easily find a more palatable form of boneless fried chicken to eat? Prepared by his personal cook, maybe? And eat it wearing cozy pajamas in a soft armchair with a tall cold beer on the side table while watching a DVD of Patrick Macnee and Diana Rigg in The Avengers on a large screen TV? With a French Maid standing by to offer soft warm damp towels to wipe his face and hands?

Because if I had Simon’s dough, that’s the way I’D do it.

He came out on SNL in a turkey costume once.

Sure, but at least prior to the election, Donald Trump had a fondness for fast food, particularly Kentucky Fried Chicken. He’s another person who could well afford to hire a chef to make it from scratch and probably get a much better product than the stuff from KFC. People like what people like.

NBC reran that episode on Saturday night, after the new episode. It was from very early in the show’s run with many of the original cast. And George Harrison performed with Paul Simon.

It might have happened in Englewood, New Jersey. Paul’s parents lived there for a while, and MickeyD’s is a popular hangout there.

Hey! Don’t you diss McD’s chicken nuggets! If that’s what you’re craving, nothing else will do. There’s just something so perfect about them.

Can you provide a cite for that?

Because he eats chicken nuggets?