Did I spot Gaudere's Law at work in an Isaac Asimov Novel?? (spoilers for Rest of the

…Robots (ran out of space)
In the last story of ‘The Rest Of The Robots’ entitled ‘GALLEY SLAVE’ is what appears to be a spelling error in a sentence who’s context is the issue of another’s spelling or grammar error.

EZ (‘Easy’) is listing errors in a book given him by Lanning. His last sentence is this.

"The plus sign in equation XIV-2 on page 337 should be a minus sign if it is to be consisten with the previous equations-----’

‘consisten’ is not a valid word, am I right? I see no evidence of an ink error. It appears to be an honest omission of the last ‘t’.

The “t” is there in my edition of the book. The mistake is by the typesetter of that particular edition.

And I am obliged to point out that you meant “whose” not “who’s”. :smiley:

Uncanny. Honestly, it’s starting to creep me out.


P.S. I’ve already corrected nine typos in this post alone.

:confused: “Gaudere’s Law”?

The person pointing out an error in someone else’s post (usually in punctuation or spelling) will make a similar mistake in their own post while doing so.

(hoping he hasn’t made a mistake somewhere)