Did that bumpersticker mean what I thought it meant?

“Directions to Salvation: Turn Right and Go Straight”

Am I to read that as “stop doing bad things and stay that way” or “vote Republican and stop having sex with your own gender”? I honestly don’t know. (There were no other stickers to provide a little context.)

Vote Republican and stop having sex with your own gender.

I’ve seen the kind of people who have these bumper stickers.

It sounds like wordplay to me. They’re cramming in both meanings.

I think that those two are the same to fundies.

I hope you’ve interpreted it wrong! Maybe it means, “Turn in the right direction and stay on the straight and narrow path”?

Nah, they’re probably just assholes.

I guess I’m naive – if I’d have seen that sticker neither of your interpretations would have occurred to me. I would have interpreted it as Dung Beetle suggested – “Find the morally correct path and stay on it.”


      • That’s a great bumper sticker. Not that I’d want one, but it’s still great–it’s very short and humorous, but gets the message across. I also liked the ones that said “smile, your mom was pro-life”.

(I have no bumper stickers on my car–the only two stickers are NRA and ISRA, both gun-rights groups)

I have a parking permit and one that says “Save a Cow - Eat a Vegetarian,” not because I don’t like vegetarians (except for pushy ones who are like "Eew! Do you know you’re eating meat? retch gag That came from an ANIMAL!’), but because I thought that it was funny.

That’s a stupid bumper sticker. Yeah, all pro-choice women abort their pregnancies. Right. At least the one mentioned in the OP plays on a cogent pun.

Except that not everyone’s mother is or was pro-life. Commenting beyond that much is probably outside the bounds of this forum, though.

I smile, because my mom CHOSE to have me, instead of being forced to.

I suppose I’ll stop there, too.

No, she isn’t.

I’m conflicted about the bumper sticker.

I agree…people my age [born before abortion was legalized] have mothers who had no legal and often safe choice BUT to have the kid. My mother had no choice but to be pro life [in a manner of speaking, I have no idea if she knew an abortion doctor, though given the state of family finances she probably could have afforded one easily. I am third kid of 3, and I do know that after me they started her on the pill because she almost died.]

Did the other bumpersticker say. “Exit Only”?

Or “No Tailgating”?

‘Go straight’ usually means ‘live without committing crime’ here in the U.K., invariably in reference to an ex-convict. QV the sitcom ‘Going Straight’ with Ronnie Barker.

It’s just however you’d like to interpret it, and surely the owner has their own interpretation as well. I used to have one that said ‘Cats Not Kids’, because that’s what I have. More than one person got sniffy about it and said I was telling people to not have children but get cats instead.
Then again, the one I got my dad said, ‘I can’t go to work today; the voices said stay home and clean the guns.’ Pretty straightforward.

That’s hilarious, but only because my mother is pro-forcible abortion and sterlization on anyone she doesn’t deem “fit to be a parent”.

Guess salvation only works in Europe where all roads lead to Rome.

Someday a fool will follow those directions and will eventually drive off a cliff!

My best comeback to that bumpersticker is this:
But the road you are on is a dead end.

To add to the chorus… no she isn’t!