“Directions to Salvation: Turn Right and Go Straight”
Am I to read that as “stop doing bad things and stay that way” or “vote Republican and stop having sex with your own gender”? I honestly don’t know. (There were no other stickers to provide a little context.)
I guess I’m naive – if I’d have seen that sticker neither of your interpretations would have occurred to me. I would have interpreted it as Dung Beetle suggested – “Find the morally correct path and stay on it.”
That’s a great bumper sticker. Not that I’d want one, but it’s still great–it’s very short and humorous, but gets the message across. I also liked the ones that said “smile, your mom was pro-life”.
(I have no bumper stickers on my car–the only two stickers are NRA and ISRA, both gun-rights groups)
I have a parking permit and one that says “Save a Cow - Eat a Vegetarian,” not because I don’t like vegetarians (except for pushy ones who are like "Eew! Do you know you’re eating meat? retch gag That came from an ANIMAL!’), but because I thought that it was funny.
I agree…people my age [born before abortion was legalized] have mothers who had no legal and often safe choice BUT to have the kid. My mother had no choice but to be pro life [in a manner of speaking, I have no idea if she knew an abortion doctor, though given the state of family finances she probably could have afforded one easily. I am third kid of 3, and I do know that after me they started her on the pill because she almost died.]
‘Go straight’ usually means ‘live without committing crime’ here in the U.K., invariably in reference to an ex-convict. QV the sitcom ‘Going Straight’ with Ronnie Barker.
It’s just however you’d like to interpret it, and surely the owner has their own interpretation as well. I used to have one that said ‘Cats Not Kids’, because that’s what I have. More than one person got sniffy about it and said I was telling people to not have children but get cats instead.
Then again, the one I got my dad said, ‘I can’t go to work today; the voices said stay home and clean the guns.’ Pretty straightforward.