Difficult to navigate?

I don’t know anymore.

It used to be so simple to check in here. Now it seems so arduous. I’m not giving up, but things have changed.

Jeezus. It sounds like a Carole King song.

“One of us is changing, or maybe we both stopped trying.” :notes:

Yeah, things are different, but I don’t find it difficult at all to navigate around here.

What type of device are you using, and how do you navigate around?

For example, I’m on a PC. I start at boards.straightdope.com and open each forum in a new tab to see what’s new and open threads that I want to read from there. Other than the layout being a bit different, the steps aren’t any different than on the old software.

I don’t use a phone to read the SDMB, but most of the feedback from others is that the SDMB on mobile devices is better than the old software (which might not be saying much because the overall consensus on the old board was that using it on a mobile device sucked).

So, what are you using and what are you doing?

Andriod phone. I liked the mobile interface I had; I had no issues. I’ll get used to this eventually: I hope.

“It used to be so easy living here with you.” CK

That’s probably the main deciding factor; I find the PC version to be much improved and trivially easy as well. Haven’t tried the mobile version yet - is it a standalone app, or just a mobile-friendly version of the regular page?

There is a standalone app available, but from what I have heard the mobile-friendly version of the site works pretty well as-is.

I personally haven’t tried either, so I’m just going by comments from others who have.

I’m using the app. I’m not adverse to change, it’s just that it will take me (personally) some time to get used to it. It is different, and my old habits don’t work. I have to retrain myself.

You might be surprised at how well it can support a reasonable facsimile your old habits.

We can’t give you pointers to features you don’t know about until you tell us what your old habits are.

I didn’t then (and don’t now) use SDMB the same way ecg does, but I’ve completely re-created my old “workflow” and am now totally comfortable with Discourse.

Admittedly that’s on a PC. On my Android phone I used to use Tapatalk on the old SDMB. I have done a smidgen of Discoursing on my Android phone, but not enough to call myself an expert.

So please: tell us how you used to use SDMB on your phone, and what your goals where. IOW, how did you think your technique helped you accomplish whatever your strategic goal was. Then we can offer pointers on getting to the same goal.

I know how you feel. I used to go through methodically; now I’m kind of clicking on whatever’s at the bottom of the screen, or hey! check the new stuff, or hey! what’s the latest. I could still theoretically go to each forum in order like I used to, but there’s shiny stuff all over the place and I get distracted. I might be missing things.

So, I used to go to “New Posts” to see what I’d been missing, and then I’d go to “User Control Panel” to see updates to my subscribed posts. That was my routine.

How do I do that now?

Thank you.

“New Posts” is now “Latest”, There’s no subscribed threads anymore, you can bookmark or set your tracking preference at the bottom of the thread.
In your profile, click on Activity then choose from the list.

Updates to subscribed posts is now “Unread.”

This will show you the threads that you are tracking that have new posts.

In preferences, you can set the option to automatically track any thread you post in if you wish.

It’s official. I hate the layout of this new board. There is too much scrolling required, particularly on mobile.

The old board had drop down menus to switch to one forum or another. This one does too but not always visible. It’s a crapshoot as to whether or not the drop down menu shows up on any given page.

Now if I try to look at a list of forums I have to scroll forever to get to the one I’m looking for since each one invariably displays three big white squares under each forum title. Even if you unpin the forum rules, then unpinned threads appear in the giant huge football field-sized boxes instead.

The old board allowed you to enter a forum and see a long list of threads, each thread title on pretty much one line each. Now each one is cluttered with a jumble of avatars and it’s just harder to see what’s there.

I’m pretty much staying in the Pit these days (even though it’s a tedious scroll to get there) and not checking any of the other threads I used to. I have to be feeling extra energetic to try to find other stuff most of the time.

It’s just so cluttered. I wish TPTB hadn’t chosen this awful place. Blech.

Sorry for the rant. Just had to get this off my chest now that I’ve given it what IMO was a fair trial.

If you live in the Pit how about you change the bookmark in your phone’s browser to be the url of the Pit? That’ll solve one of your largest complaints right there.