Diploma in Hooking, anyone

Prostitution in legal in NZ.

Thus, there should be educational opportunities for those intending a career in the “oldest profession”

I can only imagine the Careers day stall :smiley:

So - a BBK (Bachelor of Brothel Keeping) maybe


What would the labs be like? Curtained cubicles with beds in each classroom? I know it’s old, but I have to ask if the finals would be oral. :stuck_out_tongue:



Well, I want to be on the Examination bed … I mean board.


I suppose this is better than the old tale of the hooker working her way through college. :smiley: I wonder, would a degreed hooker cost more than an undereducated one? If not, then what would be her incentive for attending school?
In any event, I’d hang around the campus to see if anyone needed practical experience.



Look out - there will be all sorts of certifications now…

Damnit! I knew I should have gotten my MA in something actually useful. I suppose it’s not too late even now …

Huh huh… “tight criteria to get funding”… huh huh[/beavis]

They let sheep into college?