
I have never put my neck out and criticised a fellow poster before.However, I am compelled to do so now.I guess it had to happen sometime. :wink: I’m sorry if this comes out lame.

I was trying to quietly find you the answer you needed, ignoring the trouble you were making, until this nonsense began.

I would like to make the following points to you:

1.Your question received advice from many folks on how you might find the answer.Since this was not the actual answer you wanted, you treated these people rudely.Had you not done so, chances are someone would have come back later and said “I found it!”.No one here seems interested in Casanova besides you.What motivation do these guys have to help you?No one wants to make an extra effort to help you when you are nasty.

2.What Nemo termed ‘rope’ the article calls a ‘cord’.Had you read the article, I am sure you would understand this.Further down in the article, the ‘cord’ is called ‘rope’.

Some things I think you are a bit confused on:

This board is free.You can come here and ask questions and most times get answers - for free.No one here is getting paid to do your research.

People here will try very hard to answer questions if they can.Sometimes posters will take a day or two to find the answer, but if they find it they will let you know.Patience helps.

Your first post on this subject was on the board only 3 1/2 hours when you began being rude toward those posters who tried to help.
Your second post on this subject was here about an hour before you got rude.
Again I ask, what motivation does anyone have to help you when you have already shown that you are going to be impatient and be rude?
I for one do not wish to be fussed at.I am sure I am not alone in this sentiment.

Manhattan’s email does not seem to me to be terribly upsetting.Or suprising.Part of Manhattan’s job here is to ensure that we all play nice.
He had warned you twice about your behavior.You chose to ignore those warnings.Emailing you seems to me a logical step to take.

First it was the petulant insistence that only folks with the answer you wanted post to your thread.Then the griping and bitching and rudeness.Then the whining that somebody else started it.
And then to showcase your maturity, you intentionally defy a moderator.
I would have thought that someone with enough on the ball to be interested in Casanova(other than his exploits with women) would have enough sense to know that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you.Or in this case, the hand that tries to post an answer for you.

Frankly, I’m disgusted with your behavior and your attitude.
I’m sure this is another sentiment I am not alone in.

These (posters and mods) are good people and you don’t need to treat them this way.Grow up.

Can you post a link please?

Sorry about that.Here are the three links:

The first post on Casanova-

The second-

And now this-

This fella has just gotten under my skin.He seems to want only to argue and be a general pain.If I am wrong, somebody please tell me.

Don’t worry, TBM. I’m sure this kid will be banned before I can even load my troll rifle. Posting a private e-mail from Manhattan and STILL ignoring the advice? It looks like another one of those self-appointed martyrs we’ve been enjoying lately.

He’s a goner, for sure. What an ass. Of course, he already told us he’ll re-register once banned. I wonder what thread he’ll start in GQ under his new username :smiley:

Odds on it is “.” come back.

Before ya’ll get the troll rifles out, I’d like to oh so respectfully tiptoe in here and raise one tiny point in Dippy’s defense, if I may.

I read all Mama’s links, then went to the Commander’s second link, the Casanova’s Memoirs one. I was curious as to why Dippy couldn’t seem to accept the answer he was being given, which was “Casanova dug a hole through the floor and climbed down a rope.” So I started loading Memoirs, BTW it’s a lovely website, I’d add it to my Favorites except–well, there I was, loading and scrolling and loading and scrolling and reading a little bit here and there, listening to the Mozart that the guy has playing. I got through Casanova’s filling two chamberpots with urine, his two weeks without a bowel movement, his protestations that the authorities had absolutely no reason to throw him in jail (“I’m an innocent man!” said with great air of injury), and meanwhile the thing is still loading and loading, and the Mozart is playing slower and slower, and just as I get to the point where Casanova is actually in jail, right after he gets a new roommate, guess what–my hard drive is full, and Juno is having some kind of nervous breakdown, and I have to restart the computer.

So, my tiny little protest is that maybe Dippy WENT to the Commander’s link and wasn’t as patient as I was (or maybe he just doesn’t like Mozart), and not all of us have good people skills, so instead of saying what the exact problem was, he just lashed out. Yeah, he was rude, but so are a lot of other people I could name.

Now you may limber up the troll rifles, if you like, but remember–let he who is without rudeness among you shoot the first bullet [said with air of insufferable sanctimony].

[Sermonette–fade to black. Cut to ad for “Happy Harry’s Hot Heaps–if you can drive it off my lot, it’s yours!”]

I have no vested interest in Dippy or his strange ravings. Duck Duck Goose said

I agree that if rudeness was the sole determinant here, it would be hypocritical for someone to call him rude while also being rude. However, this poster also seems to exhibit an extremely thin skin, a lack of patience (although it sounds like a hideously huge page), a lack of understanding about the board, and a lack of enough drive to make an effort to find out the answer for himself before starting multiple threads that basically degenerate into his whining about not getting helped out on a question that was pretty easily answered.

Now, if another poster has done all of those and still was to call Dippy a whiny basket case, that would be hypocritical.

Well, now I’m starting to feel frustrated. I remembered that you can change the size of your Temporary Internet Files, so I went in there, and sure enough, it was set on a measly 10 meg, so I upped it to 100 meg, so I could read the whole thing at http://www.idiom.com/~drjohn/casanova.html and blessed if it don’t end with him just starting on his hole, and then it says at the bottom, “If you want to read the rest, buy my book.”

Aitch Ee Double Hockey Sticks.

Dammit, either OgreFade has returned or he has relatives. I love how Dippymonger insults the only poster to even attempt to defend him. Why the fuck can’t some people try to exhibit some modicum of maturity around here?

You know, when I became a moderator, Ukulele Ike warned me of what would happen to me: <<They get too busy moving threads and calming dissent and yelling at us not to run on the wet tiles to write their usual charming, good-natured, thought-provoking posts…look at manhattan and Gaudere: once bright-eyed and happy-go-lucky and bubbling over with the milk of human kindness, now twisted and bitter and muttering darkly to themselves while riding public transportation at three AM.>>

Well goshdarnit if he wasn’t right! I’ve never blasted anybody in the pit before, but I just have to do it now. dippymonger is a born complainer, as you can see in this thread:
dippymonger calls Cecil Adams a liar.

In the first thread about Casanova, dippymonger says: <<Can someone PLEASE point me to a place where I can get the details of Casanova’s escape from prison. Thankyou!>>

I did exactly that in the second thread about Casanova.

So why start the third thread? Just to get manhattan’s goat? Not that I expected dippymonger to thank anyone for going to the trouble to try to answer the question, but I sincerely dislike that poster now. I was going to give dippymonger the benefit of the doubt after it quit ragging on Cecil Adams in the “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” forum, but no more! :mad:

Wow, a post from our resident pacifist in the Pit. Impressive.

Wow. After reading through the “Casanova” history, my only thought is that Dippymonger must be trapped in a prison similar to Casanova, he’s already gone through the enema treatments, found a sharpened piece of metal, transferred cells, has dug a hole, tied a sheet together to make a rope, and now doesn’t know what to do.

There’s no other plausable reason for his prickish behavior.

I was so surprised to hear DippyMonger say that the answer wasn’t there, that I did another search, to confirm or deny the method of escape described in the second link. He was right, that isn’t how he escaped.

Casanova’s preparations were discovered and he was moved to a different cell and had to come up with a different plan, at least 2 people faced discharge from their job/fine/imprisonment for their role in his escape - which, in fact, was fairly outrageous.

But I’ll be damned before I’d have posted the answer and (yet another link) at that point.

Petty, perhaps, but, well, I’d had enough abuse for trying to help him out.

Even though it’s innappropriate for the pit, I apologize to the other posters on this board for any contribution I played in the degeneration of the GQ threads.

Personally, I like Mojo’s theory the best so far.

I’ll agree that the link does hint that Casanova may have escaped by means other than the ones he prepared for. But like the Commander, I’m not planning on conducting any more research or posting any follow-ups. Dippy should realize that no one here is getting anything out of answering the questions posted on this board other than the possibility of some minor gratitude and Dippy looks to be a bad risk in that investment.

You folks just don’t get it- Whether on not his query was answered or how, is beside the point. DPM was just plain rude. Manhatten must be a Saint to have not banned him. Hmm…next time I have an Audience with His Holiness…

Having read through the three threads, my assessment would have to be that he doesn’t want to have to go to the library or read through a whole bunch of other stuff to find what he wants, he just wants us to give him the answer. Now.

Check MPSIMS. The kid’s a spammer as well as a lazy idiot.

Or don’t check. The link is gone.

I have accounts with a few of the “Make Money While You Surf” programs.

I wonder if Dippy knows his MMWYS account will be terminated if he is reported for spamming.

Why didn’t someone tell me there was thread in here named after me? I would have frequented here a lot more if I’d known. Now I get a chance to defend myself. Gimme a sec to check these so called ‘rude’ postings of mine…

OK I’m back. I couldn’t find one. Someone wanna enlighten me?