Can you eqplain to me what I have done? Also I am highly insulted that you think me a troll whatever that may be?
It would appear that I stuck a cord. It was poor choice of words experment I amit but nothing worth closing the thread ove. So even those incharge are quick to judge. Sad!!
It would appear that I stuck a cord. It was poor choice of words experiment I admit, but nothing worth closing the thread over. So even those in charge are quick to judge. Sad!
Even in the Pit, there are rules. Some things are clearly over the top, “experimenting” on other Dopers (I want to see what happens if I present myself THIS way) is strictly forbidden.
The primary rule of the Straight Dope Message Board is “Don’t be a jerk.” That applies to the Pit as well as the rest of the message board.
I just looked up your posts. You’re posting in the Pit, with only a couple of exceptions, which are found in MPSIMS. The purpose of this message board is to stomp out ignorance. I suggest that you lurk (read the messages without posting) or post very rarely from now on. Post in forums other than the Pit and MPSIMS if you want to be taken seriously. And brush up on your reading comprehension skills. I was not calling you a troll. I was responding to two other people who had hinted that you were one.
“The purpose of this message board is to stomp out ignorance”
Then why are my questions unanswered?
1.) What is a troll?
2.) Is not my thread an example of ignorance, was I not trying to stomp it out?
If I have not goten the jist of this board and you would rather me not pick apart the sad beghavior of your membership then pull the plug, as if I have any choice in the matter.
Guffaw. This isn’t a troll, it’s just some guy who doesn’t understand the purpose of the SDMB.
The worst troll on the Internet, hands down, is Roger Maynard, who trolls usenet’s Read it for a month and you’ll be considering hiring an assassin.
NAW but his posts certainly are incoherent enough that we will still get a giggle out of it.
Look tramtwo, I don’t care if you are from the USA or from Antartica, you need to learn how to convey your thoughts in a cohesive and thoughtful manner. So far you haven’t done that.
As for calling a mod/admin to task, better make sure your concern is of a strong one as most of us here will look at your previous posts before calling out a mod/admin. You have nothing to back you up. If you are a troll, I don’t care but the moment you call a mod/admin to task I will ask you, what have you done to contribute to the SDMB in a positive manner? So far nothing.
Oh dear…Lynn? If I was troll hunting in the closed thread, I was really not intending to. I apologize if I was over the line with my “familiar” post, it was intended to be a reference to the familiarity of the “experiment” text. I was not accusing anyone of being anything - you simply must believe me.
Look man (or woman). I didn’t call you a troll on this board - remember that. Your “experiment” post reminded me of others, actually a specific “other”, who has done the same thing in the past and also had a fondness for the number “2”. There is no violation of board protocol, IMO, of doing that comparison without so long as I did not have intent, and I did not draw a conclusion. Personally, I don’t care who you are, and my assumption is that you are a new poster to the board - nothing else.
Now, as to your issues in my thread. Despite the broken English, which I am not blaming you for, I understand the point you are trying to make. I don’t agree with it, but I understand what you are trying to say. You wonder how one can flame about someone being stupid or ignorant, but how flaming about appearance, religion, race, creed, etc. is off limits. Correct?