Direct TV problem, maybe someone has had before...

We were watching CSI on Direct TV and all of a sudden, the sound went out. We have two receivers, one in the living room, one in the bedroom. We checked the TV by playing a tape in the VCR and sound was fine, but the Direct TV still seems like it is on mute. The one in the bedroom still has sound. Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Or what troubleshooting methods to perform?

I looked on the Direct TV homepage and went to their tech support, but this problem was not listed.

Thanks for any help I get. If you don’t have a clue, sorry you wasted 45 seconds of your life reading this thread.

Is the sound cable from the DirecTV box still plugged into the TV?


If your unique card number (a code imprinted on your card) has been stolen, there could be hundreds of people using it to get free TV. If DirecTV finds out, they begin to send out a signal that interrupts your service.

Sometimes, they will send out these signals to screw up TV pirates and they will affect regular subscribers, even if your unique card number hasn’t been passed around.

I assume you’ve also got your newer style card with the big “4” on it, or do you still have the one with the football player on the front?

Stupid suggestion, I know, but did you by any chance check the “mute” button on your DirectTV remote?
