Disappeared thread

There is *no way *that that post was a rant. Of course, I guess we’ll have to take your word for it, won’t we, since it was disappeared post haste?

Not the ones they asked me about, I guess they wouldn’t.

Let’s take a look at the winning hand you dealt me. You give me the good old “Cite?”. What were my options?

-Don’t reply. Oh, Sapo was wrong and slinked away.

-Pick selected quotes. Oh, Sapo is cherry picking.

-Post the whole posts. Oh, Sapo doesn’t respect my privacy.

Gee, I don’t know, what is Sapo to do?. My apologies if you believed that was privileged information. What little was there that I thought inappropriate to publish, I blocked out. The rest is all standard stuff and I don’t think I could have possibly responded to you without quoting them.

And it is not like I come all lilly white out of it. Chances are that for every person who read that and thought “Frank is a dick”, there is another who read that and thought “Sapo is a dick”.

And yes, I used quotes because the phrases were part of a list and I don’t like using dashes as in “he went all don’t-do-this-again on me”. I use to put quotes between quote tags and abuse quote marks on most posts. My apologies for the confusion. Thanks to mhendo for clarifying the issue in my absence.

Glad someone got it. :wink:

FTR, yes, the posts were quoted in their entirety for the sake of fairness. I didn’t want to just post a couple of angry lines out of context. I think that by posting the whole of both my posts and Frank’s, it is easier to gauge the tone of the exchange.

I never got the $100 on my paypal account, what did you expect? This is not a charity I am running.

And here we are, discussing it without revealing it. It can be done.

There are some circumstances and occasions where “None of your business” is an acceptable response. People is free to ask, that doesn’t mean a full reveal is due to them.

See this thread. A thousand views, 44 posts and just a handfull of contributors. I don’t know what the stats where for the second thread, but I am sure that for every person who stopped by to ask “what’s going on?”, many more read and went away thinking “Sapo skipped his meds today. Again”. And to those who asked on that thread, no answer was published. I really had no interest on reopening that first thread. As I said, I fully understood why the thread was vanished and not just locked. I knew full well that the sole mention of the original topic would just vanish the second thread and waste my effort. I didn’t want that.

Can we do without the insults?.

Although I mostly agree with you, I beg you to keep the topic away from this thread.

You better be careful I might say something that will get you banned. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wunderbar. Thanks.

Oh, shut up. She said she was 19.

Well, we’re on page 2 and nobody has come close to the most important issue here:

Which mod’s “flame” tally does this count towards?

Fair enough for the last two sentences. I would change a few things around, but you have come my way and I am willing to meet you halfways.

FWIW, you have no idea what effect the words “I apologize” have (well, ok, you probably do). Thanks for taking the time and effort to make me see the issue as you were seeing it. Again, there are details I don’t agree with, but that is not important. I hope you understand how I saw it happen, even if you don’t agree with my version.

FTR, Here is the timetable of what happened (as I remember it)

-Original Pit thread posted about issue x
-OPT deleted
-Asked fluid about it
-Was told to hold for a decision
-3 days passed
-Second Pit thread posted about what happened with OPT
-SPT deleted
-Asked fluid why SPT was deleted
-Angry “shouting at the Heavens” Third Pit Thread was posted
-TPT deleted
-ATMB “test” thread posted
-ATMB thread deleted
-PM exchange with Frank
-fluid responds and explains the situation. Says no warning will be issued.
-I respond “fair enough” and explain my take. Ask for SPT to be reopened.
-This thread is posted
-fluid informs me that they have now decided to give me a warning.
-I flip at fluid. fluid responds and I respond
-Here we are.
And my actual position on the mod actions.

OPT closing: no argument. I disagree with the decision but I can understand their rationale for it. I do not think I was trolling, but hey.

SPT closing: strongly disagree. The fact that we are having the exact same argument right now without unraveling the fabric of the universe is testament that it was wrong to close that one.

TPT and ATMB closings. 100% agree, of course. Those were the tantrums of a pissed off loon.

Official warning: Strongly disagree, but meh. I also have a “Public peace disturbance” on my police record that means nothing to me. I mostly behave, so one spot won’t bring me down.
And since the word “conspiracy” has been used a few times already, I will just state that I do not think there is any sort of conspiracy. It is mostly a pattern of what I consider a poor business practice. Every “encounter” I have had here at the SDMB with the “authorities” has been about the exact same issue: Lack of Transparency and Clarity.

I realize nobody owes me any kind of explanations for anything, I just think it is in the best interest of the administration to be clear, transparent and accountable. I have never agreed with any of the proposals I have seen to police our mods or anything of the sort, but I think that when the public asks for an explanation, it is better if such an explanation is provided. Even if the explanation is just “that is none of your business”. Having some sort of response is always better than getting the old “french waiter looking the other way” skit. Just my two cents.


In the words of the Humongous One…“Just walk away.”

Not from the Board; wash your hands of this discussion and continue on with online life. I’ll hazard no one here is holding anything against you or keeping score, so a “Warning” only really is an issue between you and the Administration. And if you aren’t in the habit of racking up Warnings, then it just won’t matter.

Chill and carry on.

Posting your PMs’ll get you modkilled…

No one is this thread is gonna get that…
I’m posting it anyway…


Come off it already Sapo, you fucking idiot. You are obviously guilty of trying to post inflammatory material here with the intention of disrupting the board. Why don’t you just go troll somewhere else because you have never been anything but a raging asshole here whose history of acting like a jerk is obvious to everyone. I usually disagree with the mods but in this case they have not circled the wagons, and instead have shown a godlike clairvoyance in seeing through your coyness and have issued the correct penalty for trying to bring up subjects that should be censored from our soft existence.

Let’s just ban him now and save our time.

Alternatively, if we are just looking for someone to ban for the sake of banning, we could pick you with your overlong username and leave Sapo, with his easily remembered or typed username, alone.

No one on staff was currently discussing banning Sapo, so your unnecessary sarcasm just might have the unintended benefit of placing your name into consideration for the honor.

u joshin mah joshin?

That just might be the the point of my unaccustomed use of a smiley.

I already thought it, believe it or not.

:hifive:s Kat