I have been on these boards long enough to have formed some guidelines for myself and I thought I would share one of them with the rest of the board. Of course this is for your own edification, feel free to ingore it or remember it as you see fit.
I have seen posts in the pit and even in mpsims that are pretty scathing and well… that is ok. I have been in some of those ass ripping posts myself. Most of the time I am the rippee not the ripper cause I suck at flaming, but I look at it this way…
It is ok to disagree passionately and express that disagreement in your own way. If it degenerates into name calling, then so be it, tis’ the way of the world and the weakness of the human condition. I am no exception to that fact and probably one of the more guilty ones on the name calling count. Of course most of us agree that name calling settles nothing. But sometimes, some posters, (usually trolls) just get so inane and frustrating that you just gotta call 'em a fucking moron.
And who doesn’t like to let it all hang out and call someone else a fuckng moron every once in a while ( I do I do )it certainly releases tensions.
So with that said, I just wanted to post this disclaimer and here it is…of course trolls and sock puppets are excluded.
If we disagree on something in the BBQ pit and it gets ugly…I mean even really ugly, that is where it is gonna stay as far as I am concerned. If I say something untowards about you, it is meant for only that time, post and topic. Unless of course you are attempting to be nothing more than a malicious poster without a point in mind, I will still be happy to post in your topic on any other subject in the same or any other forum. And I will not consider you an enema…err enemy in any of the other forums on this board.
Fact is, we don’t even know each other…that person that disagrees with me in the pit and even calls me names in the heat of passion might be one of the nicest people IRL that I could ever hope to meet.
So if our paths should cross in the pit on a sensitive subject for both of us and you decide that I am an moronic idiot and say so, be informed that…I will personally track you down and beat the…err I mean I will try my best to keep in consideration that we are locked in heated battle over one subject in onetopic at one point in time and that no matter how much we disagree… that evenually this too shall pass.
Sometimesour passion for a particular subject just precludes us (me) from being intelligent, temperate and congenial to someone that disagrees… and that is most certainly, if nothing else, human.
Read below very quickly:
The opinions express above are soley my own…some restrictions apply. Do not operate heavy machinery while reading the above…as drowsyness can occur…side effects may include…boredom…headache, constipation…
Yours truly,