To those that hate me, and you know who you are

I am not here to bash you, I am not here to flame you.

All I ask is that if you hate me that much that you get off my ass and go about your merry way. I know the world doesn’t revovle around me!

I have NEVER EVER in the time I have been alive or the time I have been on this board, ever tried to make anyone feel less than human. If I offended anyone I did it without knowing…but I don’t go around looking to offend people. If I offend you let me know for God’s sakes.

I will bitch I will moan but if you don’t like my bitching and my moaning then I ask that you look at my user name and go the other way. This is bullshit.

In fact my post ratio is more towards MPSIMS than in here. So I gather that my Pit thread reactions are geared towards a past issue, in that some can’t see past that.

Look. I don’t hate anyone here, I have no need to. I can only think of a few people in my life that I actually hate and they are in my real life outside of my internet life, but if you hate me, despise me or whatever along those lines, then I ask you to simply email me, let me know and I will ignore you and I ask the same of you too.

I am sick of the attacks over bullshit whines I may have, I started a minor rant and yet people bitch in here all the time but nooooo certain people have the need to focus on my little rant rather than focus on the topic at hand.

Hey I am not perfect and I fuck up too, I admit it but I also admit to my mistakes. So cut me a break and if you can’t handle my complaints then move on and go about your business. I am not here to make enemies and I am not here to create problems but I do dislike the fact that certain people only respond to my posts when I am bitching about somthing that is pretty minor.

< shaking head over this…all over a rant about quoting other posters >

Well, if this isn’t the most pathetic thing I’ve seen all week…

Oh Silver…come on, what are you thinking here?

I am only asking for people to say the truth. Not too much to ask is it?

I guess I’m kind of thinking that this is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen all week. I was almost sure I’d made that perfectly clear. Well let’s see.

Seems clear enough to me.

FTR, techchick, I still love you :wink:


What about it is pathetic?

I am being frank with my fellow posters…so tell me what the fuck it is that bugs so many up their ass that they have the need to give me shit over such a minor rant? HUH?

That is what I want to get to understand. What is it about my two rants tonight that people have the need to get their asses so tight that they couldn’t accept a needle up their asses?

I mean come on, I don’t post strictly in The Pit yet some feel I do.

Enquiring minds want to know.


Thanks for your understanding…

A) There’s nothing in this thread that is much different from what you already said in the other thread. Waste of time, space, etc. B) Why, in the name of Christ, would anyone want to “accept” a needle up their asses? C) I never said you only post strictly in the pit. D) You suck. Quit crying out for attention, for fuck’s sake. Sadly, I’m just stupid to give it to you.

Let me put it to you this way Silver, apparently a few I thought were friends are not my friends here on the boards. I want to know the truth.

That’s all I want…let them have at it.

I am sick of this veil of secrecy…hey Doob had the balls to tell me how he feels about me. I give him kudos for that, even though I have my own thoughts on it. But that doesn’t matter.

It kind of amazes me how people work. They will be nice to your face but stab you in the back when the circumstances arise.

Yep, it’s another train wreck people, keep looking.

But I am sick of walking around this board with eggshells under my shoes. I am sick of the rumors, with no one asking me what is exactly up with my life.

I am a fuck up, I know that, been that way all my life so I don’t need people thinking this about me behind my back. Especially a place where I spend a great deal of my time.

So I need to know who hates me…that’s all I am asking. Those that like me can keep silent and hang out with me in threads that they want to. But I want to know if there are certain people that don’t want me to be a part of their lives, I will do what I can to help them avoid me.

Don’t tell me you’re serious about this?

…and before you start predicting if I hate you or not, no I don’t hate you, but sometimes your behavior bothers me, like right now.


Yes I am serious.

I want to know who hates me and then I will do my best to not get involved in their lives.

It is a selfish thing but if they hate me so then I prefer to know so that I don’t have to waste emotion on them.

I don’t hate you. but like Louie, and I’m sure many others your behavior is bothering me right now.

Well that sucks my behaviour is bugging some people.

I care about that but it’s been a long night (got the email working and I didn’t even have to leave the home office, I dig it).

I am not trying to bug anyone I just want the truth about those that hate me is all, pretty simple.

Then I have no preconceived notions about how I stand with anyone. My life is not complicated, it’s pretty simple actually. I wont go into details cuz most of you already know it. Just trying to figure out where I stand with the Dopers is all…pretty simple really.

Attention: Pot, this is a message from Mr. Kettle…
Silver, if you really think that TechChick is just looking for attention, ignore her. don’t respond. continuing a beef you have with her in this thread does nothing but stir the pot.

It might not be my place to comment on this, but what the hell. I call it like I see it.

Shit right now I could give a rat’s ass about what people are thinking about me.

I am enjoying good music and this whole fucked up episode honestly has me in a state of “fuck it” now.

So fuck it all…I am in a a good mood and have been all night, just in a better mood.



Sade jams I tell you…ciao…

techchick I can honestly state that you are the most self-centered person I’ve encountered on these boards, although I’ve never had a problem with you before I do now.

YOu are so full of shit the entire board reeks. If this didn’t bother you why’d you start the fucking thread?

You seem to get so much joy out of having a fucking martyr complex, you seem to actually enjoy getting people to hate you. Does it add meaning to your life? Hell, if it helps you at you can add me to that list.

techchick68 we don’t really know each other but please believe me when I say I have no problem with you at all.

However I would say that you need to calm down. If you start a thread in the pit you shouldn’t be surprised if you get into a argument IMO. You seem to take these things very personally indeed.

If you can’t take the heat … YaDa YaDa

Glad to see you’re feeling good right now

well based on oldscrathes thoughts I should leave the boards…hmmmmmmm should I?
Apparently I am a foul human being, hell I know when I stink…okay Mr. oldscratch I will leave you be, I am a foul being not worthy in your eyes to suck a breath of air or to post on these boards…take it as you will.

The point is taken the time it near.