Discuss/review the last song by the previous poster

Not sure if this should go in the Thread Games forum or not, but similar threads have gone here, so here it is.

Your reply can be as verbose, or as brief, as you want it to be. Then you get to link (Youtube preferred of course) to one of your own! On and on it goes… Perhaps this way we can turn each other on to some new tunes,either via the video, and/or the review.

OK, this just shuffled on my computer, seems like a good a place to start as any:

Johnny Marr, New Town Velocity

Had potential, but ultimately lacking in execution. Looks like the Bastard child of the Beatles and George Michael.

Mr Brightside.

A great piece of New Wave revival with a clever averted rhyme, though somewhat lacking in that they just repeat one verse twice instead of adding a second verse.

Bleachers - Rollercoaster.

Filled with nervous tension and energy. I like it.

Sincerely Jane, by Janelle Monae.

Good vocals, catchy accompaniment, but it sounds like she’s trying too hard.

Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover)

Huh-a Radiohead cover done as a torch song. The female singer oversells it a bit tho with her exaggerated vocal inflections, methinks.

Ride, “1000 Miles.”

Moving this to Thread Games.

It was all right, I guess. Lyrics were a little muddled. Not really my thing; I doubt I’ll remember it an hour from now.

Usher, “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love”: Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love (Official Music Video) ft. Pitbull - YouTube

Typical Usher…typical strip club anthem.

Ella Fitzgerald, Night and Day

Very, very nice; excellent recording! I didn’t know she had such a wonderful voice (I’ve only really been hearing her at Olive Garden) :slight_smile:

Easter Island, “Chariots of the Gods” soundtrack

(the first 10 seconds may be loud–high frequencies)

Nice and minimalist, with a Caribbean feel. Those high-pitched noises at the start do sound kinda out of place, though. :confused:

Avantasia - Angel of Babylon.

Ah, symphonic/prog metal. My tolerance for this stuff depends very strongly on how much (or how little) said band avoids genre conventions/cliches; alas these guys revel far too much in the entire hackneyed pile of said cliches.

This I think might be a bit more original:

Nightwish, “Nemo.”

Not bad. Had a haunting quality to it; reminded me a bit of Evanescence. The video was a bit too self-consciously, borderline-comically Goth for my tastes.

Missy Higgins, “Where I Stood”: Missy Higgins - Where I Stood (Official Video) - YouTube

I liked it. Speaking of a haunting quality, this Sufjan Stevens song is so … great.

Not my cup of tea.

I prefer something like Puff the Magic Dragon:

It’s a fair cop. :slight_smile:

[quote=“PastTense, post:15, topic:718179”]

I prefer something like Puff the Magic Dragon:


No matter what the band says, I still think this song’s about drugs.

Anathema - Fragile Dreams

Fine song. Has an almost ballard type quality.

Nightwish. Over the Hills and Far Away.


Chumba Wumba

Drunk Kareoke at a 1990’s student bar.


Pretty typical '90s Latin synth-pop. Catchy beat, but I can’t understand most of what he’s saying.

Bleachers - Rollercoaster (since y’all ignored it last time I linked it :)).