Not sure if this should go in the Thread Games forum or not, but similar threads have gone here, so here it is.
Your reply can be as verbose, or as brief, as you want it to be. Then you get to link (Youtube preferred of course) to one of your own! On and on it goes… Perhaps this way we can turn each other on to some new tunes,either via the video, and/or the review.
OK, this just shuffled on my computer, seems like a good a place to start as any:
A great piece of New Wave revival with a clever averted rhyme, though somewhat lacking in that they just repeat one verse twice instead of adding a second verse.
Ah, symphonic/prog metal. My tolerance for this stuff depends very strongly on how much (or how little) said band avoids genre conventions/cliches; alas these guys revel far too much in the entire hackneyed pile of said cliches.
Not bad. Had a haunting quality to it; reminded me a bit of Evanescence. The video was a bit too self-consciously, borderline-comically Goth for my tastes.