Regarding the fictional films: “The Orchid Thief” is a real book by the real author Susan Orlean (played by Meryl Streep in “Adaptation”). That’s what makes this such an amazing choice.
In my experience, Dr. Pepper has a very distinctive and strong smell. I worked at 6 Flags as a teen, I remember that only Dr. Pepper had a noticeable smell. I also hate Dr. Pepper, so the first day or two I was queasy after work.
I love orange soda. Fanta is the best one. Crush is okay. The rest are mostly acceptable.
Unfortunately it’s the flavor most likely to contain BVO, a chemical additive that is GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”) by the FDA, but whose health impacts are suspect at the least. You basically just have to avoid the cheapo generic brands, but you never know.
I did vote that I like orange soda but I really have to be in the right mood. I’m rarely in the mood.
I used to drink coke, dut had to quit. Now it’s nasty to me.
So in the morning I have one Diet Pepsi, after drinking iced tea with breakfast. Then I drink fizzy water the rest of the day- either I make my own- Sodastream, or Topo Chico with lime= the best.
I never understood orange soda. The ideal orange drink is the juice of oranges aka orange juice. Pulp, reduced pulp, zero pulp, whatever. There’s then a steep downward spiral of drinks containing some juice of oranges. Further down there are orange drinks proudly asserting their lack of juice. Lower still you find Tang. At the bottom of the heap is orange soda.
When I was a kid we lived in France for a few years. I loved this stuff. I tried it recently and, eh, okay, but of course they’ve ‘updated’ the ingredients
Me, too. Only I got hooked on the stuff in Spain. The classic “hand grenade” bottles made it taste better, so of course they changed those as well.
I know! I loved those little Orangina bottles, and I also liked the taste of it. It wasn’t as sickly sweet as most orange soda usually is.
They also changed the Vernor’s ginger ale formula, too. It doesn’t have the bite it used to have.
Why ginger ale/ginger beer? They are two very different beverages.
Try AJ Stephans or Reed’s Extra Spicy.
I’ll look for them.
Bundaberg is my go-to, though as I’ve complained before, the now-unavailable Olde Tyme Jamaican Style was my preferred brand.
They make a lemon/lime/bitters which is very thirst quenching.
I probably should have split them. They do both taste of ginger.
Thanks, I’ll try that!
I am almost never in the mood for typical orange soda, but one time I tried a Weinhard’s thing called “Orange Cream Soda”, and it was just ever so much better than the other stuff. Kind of like a dixie-cup in a bottle.
Can you explain that? A cup in a bottle?
I’m thinking maybe some folks think that a soda poured into a cup (Dixie brand or not) tastes better than drinking straight from the bottle.
My favorite soda is Squirt, but I don’t drink any more of that than I do root beer, ginger ale, cream soda, or Coke - and an orange or grape soda is just fine too. Mostly I drink them after doing yard work and want something refreshing and pour one over ice in a tall glass (it’s way too early for a beer). For the Coke I will add a splash of lemon juice. But my total intake of soda is less than ten cans per year.