Disneyland Dopefest!

OK, California Dopers, I have a proposition. :slight_smile:

October 6, 7 & 8 is Columbus Day weekend, and I’ve decided to go to Disneyland for two reasons: one, it’s somewhere close to my birthday (I ain’t tellin’ :stuck_out_tongue: ), and two, it happens to be Gay Day weekend.

So, who wants to go and hang out and help me celebrate both events? I’m inviting a whole bunch of friends from the area, so it’s gonna be a blast. I’m thinking the park on Saturday, California Adventure on Sunday, and the park again on Saturday.

Think of it as a warm-up to Dopetoberfest. :wink:


What’s the opening bid? Do I hear twenty?

At the moment, thomasm and I are planning on attending… That should knock attendance down.


As much as I like Dopefests, Disneyland is not very appealing to me. (It’s also too soon for me to plan for it and get money).


If you meant “…the park again on Monday,” the LO and I might be there anyway.

Duh, of course that’s what I meant. :o

Cool - where do ya wanna meet up?

And where are all my LA Doper buds, eh? C’mon!


the Trouble and I will be a Disneys “California Adventure” Sept 30 through Oct 2. She won some radio contest thing, I am so looking forward to it :rolleyes:

Hey! I like* DCA!


Just a few more days, in case anyone actually turns out to be interested in seeing… me… [sub]I’ll just go sit in a corner now… :frowning: [/sub]


Fine, fine, everyone hates me… :frowning:

But, should anyone change their mind, I’ll be waiting for friends each day (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) between the “A” and the “L” in the “CALIFORNIA” letters in front of California Adventure at 10:00 a.m. Just look for the guy in the red shirt. :wink:

“It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears…”


Esprix, as you know, I work for MousePlanet and one of my tasks is event coordinator for MouseAdventure, a trivia contest/puzzle game/scavenger hunt we hold in the park.

It is this Sunday. So, I’ll be at the park, but I will be doing my best to keep 160 strangers happy so I won’t be free. Hope you have fun (and I believe you mentioned which birthday it is in another thread, there was a certain correlation with a possible dining venue).