Continuing from the planning thread, we have decided on the following[sup]1[/sup]:
San DiegDopefest II (south)
Saturday, June 14:
7:00 p.m.
Dinner at Corvette Diner
3946 Fifth Avenue (between University and Washington), San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 542-1476 Moderately priced menu, 50’s style American dining
Sunday, June 15:
11:00 a.m.
“Sunday Gospel Brunch” at Lips (also here)
2770 Fifth Avenue (between Nutmeg & Olive), San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 295-7900 I’ll check on the exact price of brunch - I seem to remember it’s around $25
Afterwards - Possible excursion to Sea World
1-day ticket is $44.95 (San Diego residents might consider getting a Fun Card - same price, but gives you entry for the rest of the year)
[sup]1[/sup]Or, rather, y’all couldn’t vote your way out of a wet paper bag, so I made some educated decisions on your behalf. Aren’t republics great?
Barring any financial difficulties or Acts of God (or Boss), JustPlainBryan and I shall be there.
By the way, the Lips brunch was about $14 (IIRC), but you end up spending the $25 on throwing them tips.
scout: I highly suggest coming to brunch. It is too good to miss. Esprix: We may bring our little Mercutio along with us, too, so put him on the Maybe list.
So how does a first-timer get in on one of these. I picture myself rolling into the Corvette and sort of looking around for a while. I’m not sure what I’d be looking for, though. I don’t want to intrude, but you do seem like intelligent, funny folks.
What’s the introduction protocol for a first time fester? (No jokes allowed there.) Do tell. It always sounds like fun…