San DiegDopefest II - June 14-15, 2003

Continuing from the planning thread, we have decided on the following[sup]1[/sup]:

San DiegDopefest II (south)

Saturday, June 14:
7:00 p.m.
Dinner at Corvette Diner
3946 Fifth Avenue (between University and Washington), San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 542-1476
Moderately priced menu, 50’s style American dining

Sunday, June 15:
11:00 a.m.
“Sunday Gospel Brunch” at Lips (also here)
2770 Fifth Avenue (between Nutmeg & Olive), San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 295-7900
I’ll check on the exact price of brunch - I seem to remember it’s around $25

Afterwards - Possible excursion to Sea World
1-day ticket is $44.95 (San Diego residents might consider getting a Fun Card - same price, but gives you entry for the rest of the year)


[sup]1[/sup]Or, rather, y’all couldn’t vote your way out of a wet paper bag, so I made some educated decisions on your behalf. Aren’t republics great? :smiley:

That’s the Saturday after school is out. I’m pretty sure I can make it. It’ll be fun!

Barring any financial difficulties or Acts of God (or Boss), JustPlainBryan and I shall be there.
By the way, the Lips brunch was about $14 (IIRC), but you end up spending the $25 on throwing them tips. :slight_smile:

But free mimosas all morning long! :smiley:


I was at Lips not too long ago and I seem to recall that the brunch was closer to $15.00

Already had that link, Edwardina, but it didn’t have the exact price. I’ll give them a call to confirm. Cheaper is better. :slight_smile:


I should be able to be in. I hope. Presuming there are no other conflicts. :slight_smile:

Well, unfortunately cadolphin and I won’t be able to make it. I’m starting my new entertainment business and I’m booked for that weekend.

Y’all have fun and we’ll catch you next time around!




If I have a car I’ll try to come down. I haven’t been following the threads. Are any BADs or North Cali Dopers driving down? I’ll pay for gas.

OK, so here’s the list thus far (yeses being people who said so in this thread, maybes being people who expressed interest in the previous thread):

White Lightning

Spiny Norman
Greg Charles
Johnny L.A.

Let me know if I need to put you in the “yes” column. :slight_smile:


I’m going to try and rearrange my work schedule on Sunday so that I can see the brunch spectacle. That sounds too good not to go.

I’ll check back in once I get coverage for myself.

scout: I highly suggest coming to brunch. It is too good to miss.
Esprix: We may bring our little Mercutio along with us, too, so put him on the Maybe list.

Somebody said something about putting me up for the night?

Otherwise, can someone suggest a place I can park my car and sleep safely? :wink:

Are we desert rats welcome?

C’mon out, Will.

And I hope jkusters and thomasm will join us.


Count me in.
I’d rather bring my surfboard and get in the water afterwards.
(I’ve been to Sea World way too many times)

if anyone needs a ride from San Diego North County, let me know.


So how does a first-timer get in on one of these. I picture myself rolling into the Corvette and sort of looking around for a while. I’m not sure what I’d be looking for, though. I don’t want to intrude, but you do seem like intelligent, funny folks.

What’s the introduction protocol for a first time fester? (No jokes allowed there.) Do tell. It always sounds like fun…

Put me in the ‘Can’t Be There’ column. And someone have some extra fun for me.
