DIY smoked Cheese - tell me about it

So you smoke your own cheese - I am interested in your experiences (I am planning to have a go my self).

it’s really hard to keep it lit, so i prefer to have a chaw.

my parents did string cheese with chips and drops of scent i believe. it worked out tasty.

Look up cold smoking. The heat source, gas, electric, or charcoal needs to be at a minimum. You want smoke chamber temps under 100°F.

There is such a thing as high temperature cheese, but that’s for sausage making where the cheese is mixed in with the grind, and it needs to withstand the higher temps required for sausage.

I like to get creative with smoke/cheese combinations. Some fail. I used saved up pistachio shells for smoke recently. Nutty.

Cheese it! Moving to Cafe Society from IMHO.