Do Australians Hate English Backpackers?

Do Australians Hate English Backpackers?

I’ve decided to go travelling to Eastern Australia (starting in Brisbane) in January for at least 6 months. I’m obviously really looking forward to it, but have recently heard stories of how they hate English Backpackers, is this true?

Also I’m called John, is it true Australians will automatically call me Johnny?

PS. For those of you who have read my previous threads, I decided not to go to the USA for work as a green card is impossible. I’ve decided to travel and work for a year, doing Australia then New Zealand.


Australians will not call you Johnny, they will however call you Johnno or bloody pom. Don’t mistake this for hate. Aussies are lovely really but seem unable to use a given name and taking the piss is a national sport.

You will have an awesome time there. Shit if a kiwi can enjoy Oz anyone can :wink:

Thanks calm, appreciate ya feedback :slight_smile:

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: still no.

This was certainly a fair description of my experience as an American backpacker in Australia. I thought Australia was awesome, and when I was there, ran into people from all over the world, especially Europeans, and especially English.

It did take me a little bit of time to get used to what calm kiwi aptly refers to as the “national sport” of “taking the piss out of you.” Btw, I don’t think there is an exact corresponding phrase in American English. I guess you could say that “f*cking with somebody” is sort of like “taking the piss out of somebody” but I think “taking the piss out” is more precise. In any case, I repeatedly ran into people telling me to watch out for the drop bears, etc. It kind of felt like the first day at a new school where people “take the piss out of you” by telling you all kinds of lies.

BUT it never really bothered me, because it was clearly meant in fun. I actually came to realize that it was an indication that somebody like you.

If we don’t like you, we’ll be extremely polite. Gor example, if you get pulled over by a policeman here, and the cop starts with, “good afternoon, driver”, you know you’re going to get a hefty fine. If the cop starts with, “What the BLOODY HELL do you think you’re flamin’ doing driving like that, you ratbag???”, you will most likely get a lecture and be on your way.

As for Pommy backpackers, we think most of you lot are fine. Just don’t urinate off balconies onto the main street of Bondi, don’t think it’s funny to get in drag and dance on the bar (because that’s never been done before, and won’t it be brilliant?) Yes, there is an element that gives backpackers a bad name. I’m sure the “Ugly Australian” thing is alive and well in London too, so we can’t really point the finger.