Do homosexuals find heterosexual sex offensive

If you are gay do you find the idea of you or others engaging in heterosexual sex to be offensive or disgusting? There is some of that attitude towards homosexual sex in the heterosexual world but I don’t know if it is due to a biological aspect or if it is just socialization teaching people to dislike homosexuality. If you are gay do you find straight sex to be boring and uneventful (like making love to a hole in a tree) or do you actually find it odious and repugnant?

Straight here, but I’d hazard a guess they feel the same way about sleeping with the opposite sex as we feel about sleeping with the same sex. Something just ain’t right.

On being “offended” per se, I would think they have a different viewpoint on the subject due to the fact that they’ve been villified for their sexual orientation for so long. I’m sure they’re apt to be more tolerant of other people’s ways because they know how shitty it feels to be on the untolerated end of the stick.

Offended means they find it distateful rather than bland. I don’t know if gays find heterosexual sex something they’d be willing to do but be totally bored by it or if it is something they’d feel uncomfortable doing.

The gay guys I’ve talked to (not that I’m the official liason or anything) have told me they find the idea of having straight sex every bit as repulsive as I would feel about having gay sex. Not repulsive like “wrong,” but repulsive like some people find broccoli repulsive.

I don’t care what heterosexuals do in bed. I’m just sick of them flaunting their lifestyles.

I know one gay guy who loves to exacerbate HOW gay he is by screaming constantly about HOW F-ING GROSS women are and how PUSSIES are the ugliest things he’s ever seen and How in the World Could Anyone Have Sex with a Woman.

And then I know 90% of my other gay friends who say he’s an idiot. In fact, a number of my friends have slept with women before they officialy came out and all of them say it wasn’t as exciting as their true calling, for lack of a better term, but they said that they still had a good time.

I’d say it differs from person to person, you know, because they’re all different people.

Please remember that adult gays in 2006 unanimously grew up in a world where heterosexual sex and coupling is shown as the norm on every mainstream TV show and movie and magazine ad and music video and photographs at Cracker Barrel and everything else. There’s no offense whatsoever but more of a “separatist” movement happening. I don’t find heterosexual sex offensive or repulsive, I just don’t find it in the least arousing or inviting or appealing.
Incidentally, most of the gay men I have known have had sex with women before coming out. Mainly this was because they grew up in the very conservative small town South and didn’t want to admit to themselves they were gay. Most will agree that they even found the sex enjoyable, at least at first- it’s a warm body that moves in rhythm to your own- but ultimately it wasn’t appealing. There’s a disconnect from the level of the most base carnal lust to the most platonic emotional needs that can’t be (pardon the word) stroked by a member of the opposite sex and so ultimately it’s empty and you get through it the same way you get through a Presbyterian worship service: a combination of a sense of duty, lots of fantasy and planning to do something you do want to do when it’s over.

Gay slang trivia for straight people:

Gold Card Member- a gay man who has never had sex with women

I am not gay but I have known a lot of gay men and this talk has come up lot of time in the late drunken hours. Like Sampiro says, most of the ones I talked to slept with a woman at some point to try and prove something to themselves or to try and fit in. Some were even married and faked it for a long time.

I suppose that is related to the way that society views sexuality. Even gay people get pressured into heterosexual sex. I find gay male sex repulsive but I am not sure what I would do if that is what everyone around me was doing and the message I was being bombarded with was that gay male sex was the thing everyone should do.

The fact that virtually every gay person came into this world as a result of heterosexual sex (excluding those conceived through IVF and the like) might have something to do with most gays being cool with others doing it.

You’re using a different definition of “offensive” than any I’m familiar with. Offended to me suggests not just distaste but anger at that which you find distasteful. No, I’m not offended by it. There’s nothing offensive in sex.

Is it repugnant? Again, that’s much too strong a word. It’s not something I’m interested in. It’s unpleasant, and depending on the scene even icky, but repugnant connotes more than that to me.

It’s a visceral reaction, surely, and one strong enough that I’ll look away from explicitly graphic images, but the outrage that goes along with words like “offending” and “repugnant” isn’t there. It’s more along the lines of “eww”. I’m of the opinion that feelings stronger than that are entirely due to social conditioning.

In short, to answer your title, no, it doesn’t even register a blip on the ol’ offensomometer.

Is there some reason, I wonder, why not one but two straight men so far have felt the need to inform us that they find gay sex repulsive? It’s off-topic for the thread and it’s kind of rude, even with the qualifier to broccoli-level repulsiveness.

I think it’s some part of the manly man heterosexual culture-if you don’t explicitly state you’re not gay and that you find gay sex repulsive, automatically turn gay.

Yeah, I doubt if many homosexual males find straight sex offensive, but maybe just conformist and blah. I think society has caused a big difference in the way straight perceive gay, and the way gay perceive straight.

Although a lot of lesbians do consider the penetration thing degrading and vile, since many of them became gay due to the disrespect of women by their mates. I’ve considered being gay for this reason but decided not to.

Well, you know, it the best way to fight of off the gay. You would want to catch it of course. :smiley:
How square am I, I don’t even discuss Hetero sex with friends, nevermind Gay Sex with the few gay friends and family I have.


Uh…I don’t think so. :dubious:

Then I’m platinum with diamond encrusted trim.

Hee hee…“trim”…

Well, if Ancient Greece or Rome are any kind of an indication I’d guess that most of your interactions with your Friday Night poker buddies would be…different…from today.

And just to be safe, I’m NOT gay. And I find mansex with man, woman or beast repulsive. Guys are messy. Ickers.

As a heterosexual woman, I’m not the most qualified person to answer this. But since I’ve had homosexual encounters before becoming decidedly straight and I spend most of my waking non-work hours with my best friend and her girlfriend, I’m going to throw my vastly unqualified two cents in.

While I can understand homosexuals being uncomfortable with the idea of heterosexual sex, it seems odd to me that heterosexuals find homosexual sex “gross”. If you’re heterosexual and sexually active, you’ve had first-hand knowledge of just how messy and weird both genders’ reproductive organs really are… AND YOU ENJOYED IT! So why is it weird when you remove one gender from the scene? I don’t get it.

If you’re gay, you can at least use the excuse that you’re not familiar with the other sex’s parts, and therefore they seem foreign and “gross” to you.

I highly doubt that there’s a heterosexual adult out there who’s never seen and touched their own equipment. Do these “gay sex is gross” men freak out when they see themselves naked? “Aww, penis! GROSS, I TOUCHED IT!” :smack:

Well, I suppose as homosexuality gains in social acceptance, it was only a matter of time before we saw closet heterosexuals.