Do muscular hairy women have better sex than delicate perfect-complexioned women?

      • Any other guys feeling the strange urge to poison the yogurt supply with testosterone?

On the other hand, women who’ve had their ovaries removed, in the newfound freedom from whatever medical problem motived the removal, go crazy. Menopausal women can also do this.

Additionally, there’s the problem of measuring a woman’s sex drive. There are women who consider themselves to be horny beasts, but show little, if any physical evidence. I don’t know, maybe they aren’t happy in the lab. On the other hand, there are, and I think we all enjoy reading about this, women who claim puritanical views but react strongly to mere words and pictures in the lab.

From this interesting article on testosterone:

So no, having a lot of T doesn’t mean you will have a big sex drive, or big muscles and bodily hair. If that was so every man would be stronger, lustier and hairier than any woman, barring artifical enhancements and disorders.

I think you’ve been had! :smiley:

Hmm, I think that really hairy women would tend to have less sex…at least with me.

What, NOW you’re hitting on me (what happend to the abuse?) :smiley:

Sorry. Abuse is the second door down, on the left. :wink:

And, it’s not “hitting on”, it’s heavily flirting. And… psst… I was flirting with you, then, too. You just weren’t picking up on it.

Speaking as a somewhat hairy fat chick with PCOS and the resulting somewhat-elevated androgen levels:

I am quite sure my bear-hairy Spouse has higher testosterone levels than I do. I have easily 50 times his sex drive. As in, for every time he wants sex once, I’ve wanted it 50 times. This is one reason we have an open relationship.

I have one of the highest sex drives (that I know of) in my circle of female friends, but two of the ones who beat me out are much less hairier and less muscular than I am. I would guess that their serum testosterone levels are lower than mine, although obviously we can’t be sure.

Most of the literature I have read suggests that the link between testosterone and sex drive is obscure at best in women, and not as direct as was previously thought in men. The book Woman: An Intimate Geography has some interesting chapters on this.

i did not see hairy muscular women before, I wonder do they really exist:)

Do hairy muscular women ZOMBIES get more braaainnnnns?

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