I have heard that one cause of facial hair in women is due to testosterone. I have also heard that it is testosterone that is responsible for sex drive in both genders. If a woman is producing enough testosterone to generate facial hair, would this possibly also correlate to a proportionally higher sex drive?
I don’t know.
Why isn’t the question, " guys who don’ t grow facial hair–do they have strong sex drives?"
Just asking.
I used women in this scenario because women don’t normally really have much in terms of facial hair, so a woman who does might have it due to higher levels of testosterone.
If testosterone is responsible for sex drive, wouldn’t higher amounts of testosterone lead to higher sex drive?
Well, male pattern baldness is linked to testosterone levels, but thinning guys don’t have any more or less testosterone than guys who don’t-- they just have the gene that makes them lose their hair.
So, rationally, it makes more sense that some women have “usual style” body/face hair, and some women have the genes for growing extra. That hair grows in response to testosterone, so if a woman with an extra-hair gene started producing less T, her hair would thin out some (sorry, that stuff never really goes away).
If the extra hair is resulting from an imbalance due to a medical condition like PCOS, there are hormonal treatments; on the other hand, I think most women have more body hair than they’re comfortable wearing visibly. In most cases, you’d never know a woman had extra hair unless you were close enough to her that you knew she removed it.
Heck, just because I’m comfortable talking about my unshorn close resemblance to a werewolf* doesn’t mean I’m comfortable wearing that amount of body/face hair outside the house, all the time.
*I’m exaggerating. Most days.
Are you sure? I thought it was abnormal estrogen levels that was linked to MPB.