Do uncircumcised men have better orgasms?

Yeah, that’s right. Yes or no- why?

All those nerves in the foreskin are just for show. Well, until you zip your fly a little bit too fast.

With all them nerves I’d say, “faster,” I suppose, but better? I’d rather spend a few minutes thinking about baseball* while my partner had some fun.

    • Have you ever, successfully, visualized a baseball game, with all its variety? While you were having sex? Okay, me, neither, but I hear it works almost as well as url=“benzocaine condoms - Google Search”]benzocaine. Until the first baseman hits a grounder to right field, bringing in the guy on third base. When the right-fielder rockets one to home as the runner starts to slide in…well, if that effects you, you should probably give up on sex.

It’s really subjective. You might as well ask if ** marshmallow** has better orgasms than me.

He does.


Well, if we’re going to answer this reasonably we’ll have to be scientific about it. Since the experience is obviously subjective and individual we will need a number of individuals to take part in the study… a “before and after” type of study…

If you’d like to organize it amongst the Dopers Try2B Comprehensive… only male Dopers who are… err… currently uncircumcised will be valid candidates… well, if you do that I’m prepared to… create the questionnaire and tally answers (I do user experience stuff professionally… this just seems an extension of that field).

What’d reckon? :smiley:

The biggest factor determining sensitivity and sexual pleasure is how much you jack off. Huge, huge factor.

But to address a rather incorrect point: The more sensitive you are, the SLOWER you will reach orgasm. When you don’t feel much, you try to go too hard too fast and trigger the autonomic system too quickly. (I can compare the effects of sensitivity because of the aforementioned swing in sensitivity that a single person can experience.)

Ok, i’ll say this one other thing, as an uncircumcised male: If I were to claim that lack of circumcision improves sexual pleasure, it would be mostly during the part that is not orgasm. I don’t think orgasm itself is affected much one way or the other, directly.

If you do a before-and-after test, too many confounding variables exist. A change in sensation (no necessarily for better or for worse) will affect results, as anyone who has spent time masturbating with a deathgrip before having sex can tell you. I imagine that a person who was born without nails will feel much less pain if his nail bed is poked than a normal person undergoing fingernail torture.

Ultimately, there’s no way to find out with current methods, I doubt there is actually any difference in pleasure/quality. I know that circumcision is a touchy subject here. People who wish to “restore” their foreskins are stupid though.

Better? Better!?!!? Don’t goddam tell me about better! You gonna tell me after all this time I had done it this way, I would have had a really good time? Instead of the just sort OK which I thought was hot shit, but really wasn’t?

No. No. Don’t tell me, I don’t want to hear it, even if its true. Especially if its true. I would go from thinking life was pretty much OK into being a very, very bitter man.


But their parents were downright evil.

Yes. Evil. :rolleyes: They hated their children and sought to harm them.

my opinion is if they are not Jewish or have phimosis [i think that is the condition i mean, where the foreskin needs to be removed or modified to allow sex] then a circumcision is totally unneeded. men should be allowed to decide if they want the snip.

I would say that anyone making the decision for their kids now is evil, yes. Perhaps not so much fifty years ago.

Jewishness/Islamicness is not an excuse. If anything it’s even worse… at least a mistaken belief one is doing it for the benefit of the child is understandable; doing it because of some made up sky pixy is revolting.

Well, your definition of evil is very different from mine.

Hey, gang, there are plenny of threads about circumcision: how about we keep this one on-topic to the quality of orgasm?

God has great orgasms every time an infant boy has a part of his penis lopped off. Happy now?

That’s something we can all support!

S’ok gents. If you really want to get jealous look at women. They have better orgasms and they don’t do it or think about it nearly as often. Think of all the extra time they have to be productive! Now how does that work? I’m calling shenanigans.