Do you care if your SO talks about you anonymously on a message board?

Obviously, you wouldn’t want them talking shit about you. But what if it were intimate stuff like:

“My SO has hemorrhoids” or “My GF loves annal” (sorry for being crass)

Personally, not a problem for me.

She would probably brag about how much in love she was, about intelligence, wit, good looks, consideration, empathy, all those things. I doubt she’d talk about me much at all.

Same here. And my wife would probably do the same. :smiley:

I don’t really care in most cases.

I did answer that it might bother me a little bit, though. Depends on what is being shared and whether she’s had the same conversation with me. I would hate to find out there’s some problem that she’s isn’t talking to me about, but is sharing with an internet forum.

Annals. But my girlfriend finds them pretty dry; she prefers fiction.

This. My wife doesn’t do web forums, but if she did then I would think she’d be very comfortable talking to me about anything she posted. I’ve probably said things online that would embarrass her in front of people who know her, but never anything I wouldn’t or haven’t spoken with her about.

They sell lubes for that. And you misspelled friction. :smiley:

It would be pretty awkward for me…

I can’t believe I didn’t see that setup I hung over the plate. :smack:

Watch it. Apparently she now has mod powers.

I hear ya.

(to the OP, not to the direction of the thread, currently…)

Turnabout is fair play.

I think that was more like a ball going through Bill Buckner’s legs…


If I thought he would really be anonymous, and it wasn’t too personal, it wouldn’t bother me. But knowing him, he’d give away our names, addresses, and SS numbers without realizing it.

However, the examples given in the original post are too personal.

I wouldn’t care. I probably talk about them online too.

Seeing as my spouse HAS talked about me online…

It bothers me if it’s a problem she has that she isn’t telling me about. I’d rather we just work it out in person than having her vent to some strangers.

Where it does bug me is when I feel she’s misrepresented the situation to make me a villain and get online sympathy. She’s only done that once AFAIK though.

Most of the time, though, no biggie. I mean, we spend more time around each other than any other human, no surprise I’m a part of most of her stories and she mine.

I wouldn’t care unless she was venting or seeking sympathy or advice about some kind of trouble we were having. That would bother me regardless of whether or not it was identifiable as us. (And for examples of where people unburdened themselves about their relationship problems, only to find that it wasn’t so anonymous after all, you need only look as far as this very board. Numerous times.)

For the rest of it, I’m sure she does talk about us anonymously, as well as not-so-anonymously, on places like her LJ communities and FB. I do the same, here on the SDMB as well as a few other communities. No problem, but again, I wouldn’t air out an argument between my wife and myself here, at least not until the argument was looooooooong over and resolved.

Looking for solutions to problems or abstractly discussing a situation doesn’t bother me at all. I would have a problem if she’s obviously leaving out a major part of the situation to get online sympathy points (especially if she were to later say ‘all these people agree you’re being an ass’). Also, if she’s looking for solutions to a problem that she hasn’t brought up with me, that could be an issue, depending on circumstances. Asking for ideas on how to handle ‘thing we’re trying to do’ is one thing, asking ‘how should I deal with the fact that he never does thing’ when she’s never actually asked for the thing is a bad sign.

It is healthy for people to talk about problems with others. However if doing so online, best to do so anonymously, change the age / description of the person you are talking about, say you live in a different city, etc. And of course don’t use real names.