Do you carry a knife? (Poll)

Do you carry a knife? Why? And what type?

I do. I have since I was a scout (like Girl Scout/Boy Scout, not Kit Carson’s or U.S. Army type). It’s small (3" blade), opens one-handed and comes in handy for everything from opening boxes and letters to cleaning my fingernails. However, it was also selected out of paranoia, able to be used in self-defense should that ever be necessary.

A psychologist recently was talking with me and spouted: “Ah, I see you, too, carry a knife that can be quickly opened with one hand but which is unobtrusive enough to be explained away as a tool should anyone ask. It’s OK, lots of people do.” I was impressed that he mirrored my own thinking back to me and I started to question him, but he just smiled and said, “I’m a psychologist…” Though it felt like he was reading my mind.

Anyway, to the poll: Do you or don’t you, and why or why not?

Two. A Chris Reeve large Sebenza Classic and a Victorinox Hercules.

I carried a Swiss Army knife in my purse/backpack for 30 years. Used it for all kinds of stuff, from camping to picnicking to opening wine to repair jobs etc.
Made the mistake of forgetting to take it out of my stuff when we traveled to Santa Barbara last summer. Left it in the airport.
The knife was getting on in years, and I haven’t replaced it yet. Self defense never occurred to me, it wasn’t an easy-open knife.

No, never got in the habit. The only things I always have on or near me are my wallet and my glasses.

The ultimate Swiss Army knife. I usually leave it at home, because it won’t fit in my pocket, weighs down my pocketbook, and well…isn’t very feminine. :wink:

No. I don’t carry a knife.

Swiss Army penknife. Barely 2" long. Fits inside a key case. 1,001 uses. I mail it to my destination whenever I fly.

Do multi-tools count? If so, then I carry two. A Leatherman Juice S2 on my belt and a Squirt in my pocket.

I carry a multitool as well. A Leatherman micro on my keychain. That one causes me no end of problems when I go to the airport. I carry my super Swiss army knife in my backpack. Neither is for self-defense as I’d have to ask my assailant to kindly pause a minute while I unfolded the blade. Although the scissors on the micro are probably sharper than the knife.

No, but it wouldn’t be a good idea to carry a foot-long dagger around here anyways. Not that I would if I could, but it’s the only knife I own. I’ve thought about getting a pocketknife, in case I might need one, but such occasions come up too rarely to bother.

I know my father carries one, but it’s actually a work tool for him. He gets cheap knives, since he tends to lose them. A lot.

Another Leatherman Micra on the keychain, here.

No, I’ve never carried one. I own a fairly nice one, which has never come out of the toolbox since I got it. I can’t think of what I’d use it for.

I carry a Benchmade Stryker as my daily carry. Sometimes I switch to the 720 or the Sentinel, both also made by Benchmade.

I do in fact use them work on a near constant basis. The one handed unobtrusiveness is a happy coincidence:)

Techno microknife clipped in my bra, cute little victorinox credit card multitool in my computer case, swiss army knife regular type in my purse.

FWIW, I do have a stalker. In my house there is a gun within 5 feet of me at all times, even bathroom and bed.

A Leatherman Juice C2 keeps my keys comfy. Besides the sharp knife and pliers, it’s got a truly useful waiter-style corkscrew.

Always, except at work (illegal).

Type of knife depends on what I’m wearing and where I’m going…

Tell your psychologist friend that I carry an easy opening 4" blade :eek: . Then ask him to guess what I’m holding when I say, “analyze this”.

My favorite knife is a 4” Benchmade with the axis-lock mechanism. When I want a smaller knife it’s usually a Sog Flash.

I carry one of the mid-sized Wenger Swiss Army knives. I find it indespensible for day -to-day living. I feel really disturbed if I forget it or an nor allowed to bring it somewhere.

Victorinox Swiss Officer’s knife, Deluxe Tinker model. This is my second one. I’ve owned the first (same model) ever since I first saw MacGyver. Heh.

I carry a relatively small knife, a birthday gift from my father. It’s really useful, when I remeber to put in my pocket.

a leatherman and a locally-legal gerber folding knife.