Do you de-string a banana?

I remove the strings and then cut out any bruised spots with a knife.

There’s a missing option … “I eat the strings and throw the rest away”.

Are you serious? If so, does the drink taste any different than if you peel the banana first (and discard the peel)?



I’m getting the “Chiquita Banana” jingle as an earworm, myself.

I always unzip things before eating them. :wink:

Always. Neatness counts.

Life, as they say, is too short to de-string a banana.

Unless this is all some sort of euphemism, in which case all bets are off.

Yes, and I also destring my oranges, mandarins and the like.

This. The strings are the best part.

Huh? Do you mean to imply that there are other people (including you?) who peel a banana from the stem end? I’ve never heard of, or even imagined, anyone doing that! What’s a stem good for, if not to be used as a handle? Anyway, yes, peeling a banana from the distal end toward the stem, there are strings.

Pretty much everyone peels a banana from the stem, probably since that’s where it peels most easily (hell sometimes when breaking one off of a bunch, it splits enough to expose the inside just from that). Lifehack recommends doing the opposite end for the aforementioned handle reason, and because that’s how monkeys in the wild supposedly do it (and who knows bananas better than they?). I agree that it still results in strings either way, though it’s possibly less stringy doing it from the non-stem end. Possibly.

They even mentioned it recently in the new comedy series Superstore, in a scene where all the characters make fun of the protagonist for doing it the lifehack way.

By the way, those string have a name. They as re called “phloem”. Pronounced with two syllables, not like ‘phlegm’.

I always de-string; strings are disgusting. In fact, I would hazard a guess that people who hates bananas do so because they had the misfortune of eating a string and now think they hate the texture of the entire banana.

Also, I tried opening a banana from the butt end and all I got was banana covered hands.

Who hates bananas? That’s like the legendary person who hates pizza.

I’ve heard lots of people say they hate bananas. These people are clearly deficient, but they do exist. And what they usually say is “I don’t mind the flavor - I like other banana flavored things-, but I can’t get past the texture”. It’s the strings I tells ya.

Well that does make some sense. But no one hates pizza.

I hate bananas; once you skin them and throw the bone away, there’s nothing left to eat.

I was taking a break once with a coworker who was eating a banana. She pulled a string off… then ate it!* I almost gagged.
*the string, I mean.