Do you get more THC from eating marijuana or smoking it?

I’ve heard circa 70’s stories about “pot brownies” being a big favorite, and wondered just how efficient the uptake of THC is via the digestive process vs as a smoke via the lungs. Is eating it a lot more inefficient drug uptake wise?

Wouldn’t eating pot taste kind of nasty? Would they taste sort of like tobacco brownies?

This is not an advocation of illegal activity, if any Mods are reading: quite the opposite, as it gave me gibbering panic attacks. I won’t go too much into cooking methods, but basically THC bonds extremely readily to fat cells {one reason it remains so long in your body}, so if cooked with butter or oil, yeah, the THC sticks around - and as {I’m surmising here} the THC remains longer in your digestive system than just inhaling it would do, the results are far more prolonged than smoking, and are, in my experience, extremely unpleasant. I would NOT recommend it.

From my personal experience… the few times I scarfed pot brownies, I would say that the THC buzz was pretty underwhelming in comparison to the many, many, many times I inhaled it. In fact, I recall the nasty taste and light indigestion more readily.

Seems like a waste of pefectly good weed if you ask me.


In my former ‘circles’, pot was cooked when a lousy batch was had. Perfectly good weed was smoked, the brownish ‘shwag’ was cooked.

Agreeing with Case Sensitive. I had a bad, bad, time after eating space-cake. Not fun. Panic attacks etc. Have you ever been afraid of “Crocodile Dundee Part II”? I was. So don’t watch bits of stupid movies when eating the stuff. :smiley:
My body was wonderfully supple, though. [I could fold my legs around my neck ] It lasted pretty long too.
I’ll have a joint any day. :wink:

Suck on a lead pencil and you’ll get the taste.

But, could you do that before you ate it? :slight_smile:

Yes. But I couldn’t at the same time play the banjo with my toes. :wink:

This is not from personal experience… :wink: …BUT:

Consumtion of Marijuana makes you high from the tips of your feet to the tops of your head.

Smoking of the pipe weed - simply stays in your head.

So I’ve heard.

TCH needs to be oxidized before it becomes psychoactive. This is usually accomplished by smoking the cannabis plant, however it can be taken orally as long as it has had is requisite oxidation. This makes it a good candidate for cooking with. Other drugs such as psilocybin are broken down by heat and therefore aren’t a good choice to put on a pizza, unless you like the flavor.

You can bake with it, the usual treatment is to sauté it in butter to oxidize the TCH and use it instead of oil in the recipe. As mentioned before the taste is funky and the effects are different, sometimes more sometimes less pleasurable. It’s probably overall a more healthy way to consume THC however it is less potent as some of the drug us broken down during the digestive process and never makes it into your blood stream.

Yikes! Glad I am not the only one. I had an awful experience with space cakes several years ago. I actually saw boxing for the barbaric sport that it is (and I am a former kick-boxer) and was convinced that my cat as plotting my demise.

hehehehe :slight_smile: But cats are plotting everyone’s demise. Didn’t you know?

CAT: Xiang Kai-Shek. Ancient Chinese Emperor starting with X.
MANNIE: No, Chiang Kai-Shek.
CAT: You are going to die.

From what I have heard a hash brownie, cooked in butter, will give you much, much more bang for your buck. The downside is it is very uncontrollable, allegedly. So I would advise avoidance.

okay, suppose instead of orally the drug was taken as a suppository.
Would you still catch a buzz?

I’ve only tried this once, but I wouldn’t say the taste is that nasty. Yeah, it tastes a little like pot (kind of minty, kind of planty), but it still tastes a lot like brownies.